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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. WIP DH-4 USAS

    Woot! many thanks
  2. Dear Activist

    See i disagree with his foriegn policy but some of his stuff about the fed and internal stuff is spot on. I guess we will just have to idsagree on somethings. one thing I hope is that no matter WTF is going on that the killing stops soon and that your friend is ok.
  3. New Arrival!

  4. Dear Activist

    all disagreements aside I hope your friend is ok.I def don't like the look of the link you posed ,looks too much like the drivil Ron Paul talks about. there can be no deniing that Syria is evil and supports terror. they are killing their people in the streets. I'm sure there may be other bad elements that are taking advantage of the chaos to settle scores and take jabs at the goverment. that dosn't mean that cilians are being killed for protesting.Assad is a war criminal and supporter of murderors in Lebanon and elsewhere.there were also a bunch of Arab "observers" who were just members of the goverment and of Allied goverments who were there soley to protect the Assad regime.what is needed is independent observers from non-dictitorial and allied nations. I wouldn't trust much from Arab nations who are friendly with Syria.I wouldn't trust most Arab nations in general since they for the most part are either dominated by fanatical religious groups or dictators.
  5. Dear Activist

    Rusia and China are the main reasons that Syria is still killing it's own people. Iran is pumping in arms and Russia and China keep vetoing resolutions because they don't want to lose millions in arms deals. very sad.I'm not sure what types of "censureship" is ein force where you live but here we see cilians being shot in the streets on a dailly basis. people are smuggling out videos and western reporters that are hiding there are sending out the truth about the murders. Israel could care less what is going on in Syria as long as Syria isn't giving rockets and weapons to terrorists.We only mention Syria because we have a regime in a full blown war on it's own people and the world is so worked up about lies about Israel that Syria is getting a pass.thousands dead in the last few months and not much being done thanks to Russia China and an impotent UN.
  6. Dear Activist

    Syria is fighting a war on civilians. Not sure where your getting your info from but the only imported terrorists in syria are made up in a propaganda room.Syria is one of the most evil and vile countries.they suport terrorists in lebanon and elsewhere. they routinly kill their own people and whether they do it for religious reason or just plain old evil simple dosn't matter. Syria is a vile murderous dictatorship,plain and simple. thousands upon thousands over the decades are dead because of their support for terrorists. I am of Lebanese decent and I have had friends who lost people there because of Syrian backed terrorists.Please do some research as what every your reading sounds like State propaganda right from the syrian capitol.
  7. Real Life (tm) troubles

    enjoy your "vacation" please post pics here and at facebook. I hope that a little break will recharge you to get through the hard times ahaead.While painful you seem to have a good plan of action for dealing with this tough future. Best wishes and I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. With a little luck and some hard work you can get through this and make yourself a much better life.While I am from a different country than you I respect your millitary service you did for your nation and pray that your fellow countrymen give you the respect you deserve.
  8. Dear Activist

    Israel like most other demoracys has made mistakes for sure and sor the most part learn and correct those mistakes as they come to light. My issue is that the UN has no buisness condemning the nation hudreds of times and not the multitude of dictatorships that suround it. There is no moral equivilent between a nation/group that kills civilains as a policy and a nation that while defending itself accidently kills civilians that terrorists were using as shields.Isreal goes to such lengths as to put thier own millitary people into greater danger to minimize civilain casulties where their enemies see civilians as legitamat targets.Israel is far from perfect but they are not even on the same plane as groups like Hamas and nations like Syria.Perfect example is the terror flottila, it was a hostile and illegal act designed to use dupes and agitators to provoke a response from Israel. Israel stopped the ships but were attacked while bording one and then were accused of crimes.good thing they had their own camera men filming otherwise the world would have never known the truth.people can have their own opinions of Israel for sure but to put them in even the same ballpark as the Palestinian terrorists who as a policy kill inocent people intentionaly is not only wrong but unfair and a bit niave.In the grand sceame of things protesting about Israels "wrong doings" and not the multitude of sin their enemies do is like getting mad at a wasp for stinging a water bufalo to defend it's nest but ignoring the 15 poachers who shot the water bufalo for sport and left it's body to rot in the sun.
  9. First Eagles ScreenshotsThread

    hey it's up for grabs to anyone who wants it but while it might look good I can't claim any credit for it. The wood texture is something found on the net and the camo fabric textures are from another skin here. any one who wants it just PM me an email addy and I'll send it along when I can.
  10. Dear Activist

    I see nothing wrong with protesting ,it's when the facts do not support the protest that I get a laugh.
  11. WIP DH-4 USAS

    great skins, I will be looking forward to these. American skins are in pretty short supply. I would love to see these and some higher res Nieuport 28 skins for upcomming campaigns. Please enjoy your vacations.
  12. Dear Activist

    this letter is only wrong in that it's not strong enough in it's oposition to the activists and their hypocracy. i don't consider this politics as it's just pointing out facts and the sorry excuses who ignore them.
  13. Hawker Hunters in Hawaii?

    thats awesome Derk.
  14. I fear that one was lost in the Oli tragedy.I always loved the French verion more than the British.This cockpit will be a great addition either way.Thanks
  15. great job,is the JaguarA in the DS mod a place holder or did someone sneak the "real" one into it?
  16. First Eagles ScreenshotsThread

    I can send it to you but it's not really something I can upload because it's really just others work that I cut and past and a wood texture I found on the net a long time ago and a simple template I made years ago. It should work for both the D.VIa and D.VIb PM me an Address and I'll be happy to pass it along to you...or anyone else.
  17. Today is my First Anniversary!

    Best year in a long time for us Diehards FE fans.Thank you for joining our community and thank you for the hard work you have put into FE.
  18. First Eagles ScreenshotsThread

    Roland D.VIb simple skin,mostly hacking apart others work but I like it better than the stock skin.
  19. Roland DVI - crosses not showing in FE2

    was about to sugest that,glad you got it working
  20. looking good Monty.I just want you to know that your aircraft are very much appreciated.Thank you for all the hard work you put into them.I still fly and love your Nieuport 11.It's one of my favorite downloads ever.
  21. Su-17 skin that I'm working on.

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