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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. Voisin V with 37mm cannon

    all I'll say is I love it! the more Voisin varient and french pushers in general the better! thank you.
  2. Voisin Type V with 37mm cannon

    this certainly was a suprize. Thank you I will be flying the cr@p out of this today.
  3. WTF?

    kwards fanatics. it was to stop crap like this that we sacrificed so much blood and treasur. too bad that the people we freed simply want to go back and live like barbarians.
  4. Hansa-Brandenburg C.I

    this is just amazing. many many thanks.
  5. whats the secret?

    i don't know about anyone else but your advise and tips will certgainly help me out. thank you.
  6. whats the secret?

    i'm pretty sure you need to be much closer than half a mile to hit the enemy and on the easy settings the enemy has a much easier time landing so whemn they are damaged and go down they tend to land saftly rather than crash.
  7. Plenty of "new" toys for you......

    Excellent stuff. many thanks!
  8. it was in the thread about the DVIa it was just a lod. the file can be found in this post http://combatace.com/topic/44535-roland-d-via-wip/page__p__320073__hl__roland__fromsearch__1#entry320073
  9. it's Mannie's birthday

    Happy birthday my friend.
  10. excellent stuff. I love multible varients of aircraft. Do you have any plans on doing the Roland D VIb? there was a modele done but it was never released with inis.
  11. Am I reading this wrong?

    that is pure gold. i am so stealing this. ;)
  12. Increasing stock decal resolution?

    take a look at the SPAD 7 skin update in the download section. there are some really excellent number decals in the pack. they are taliored for the SPAD but it will give you an idea what can be done if one puts in the work. link, http://combatace.com/files/file/5924-spad-vii-skins-and-misc/
  13. The Anatra DS is here

    excellent. I would have commented ealier but I'm in the north East and just got my power back after 6 days. I'm looking forward to flying this. Thank you.
  14. Anatra DS in progress

  15. Anatra DS in progress

    funny thing is I was looking at some of your 3d work and wishing that this would be your next project. it's another great model and it will be well used for certain.Thank you. also I think late in the war Austria captured the factory and ordered some as trainers and recon planes,though I'm not sure how many were deleviered in time to see action.
  16. Its started!

    life isn't fair...deal with it. there are all sorts of nasty things that happen to good hard working people and bad things also happen to rich greedy people.also to poor greedy people and lazy poor or rich. The crux of the problem isn't greed but envy.Stop worrying about what others have and worry about bettering your situation. I am dirt poor.I live below the poverty level. I have lost my father to a cancer that a rich persons doctor would have found earlier. thats called life. Its these very situations that make me work harder to better my standing to improve my life and that of my children. Do I want more out of life? hell yes but not by taking it from others. Call it "shared sacrifice" or the idiot "paying their fair share" I call it theft.the things that have made this nation great, personal responibility, individualism and a work ethic are fast dispereing and it's a shame. half the people in this country pay no income taxes,30-40% are on foodstamps/whelfare. looks like the evil rich are paying for alot of people to sit on their asses. yes there are many who want to work but i have worked in the innercities and seen what it's like. nice cars in the drivways of public housing, satalite dishes on the roves and not one working person in the whole building yet I'm there fixing their pipes for 5 bucks an hour. lol My great grandmother lost her husband in a fishing boat explosion in the late 20's she raised 11 children during the depression with not one penny of goverment help. she busted her ass cleaning houses and washing peoples cothes until 2am every day. You don't see that these days. what you see is people waiting with hands out all the while wanting what others have but not willing to do the work or take the risks that are needed to get it.
  17. The Voisin LAS is here

    yes I have. It seems most of my FE dreams are comming true.
  18. Its started!

    if these smelly idiots are the future then the world needs to end in 2012
  19. The Voisin LAS is here

    Another home run! thank you VERY much!
  20. Egypttian IL-28



    Il-28 Egyptian Air Force.
  21. The way most Dads feel, join now!

  22. Sgt. Gilad Schalit

    it's an international scandal that the victoms of terror and hate are call an apathied state and the aggressors and killers and hate/genocide mongers are held up as victoms.where is the international outcry or pressure on hamas. it's purely evil that this man was allowed to be held by this scum while the world did nothing.Israel will offer yet again way too much and lets hope that this time Hamas will free this true victim,he has suffered too long.BRING HIM HOME! @macelena i dare say he is worth many times a thousand of those hate filled terrorists.
  23. Megatron!

    great job Lions. they are not my team but it's great to see that it looks like they have things turned around up there.
  24. I'd love to have an "independence day" style campaign one day.with earth vs "UFO's" it would be kinda fun to be flying the best of the best and still be the underdog.

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