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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. My new little girl gets to come home today

    thats great news.I'm so glad to see things have turned out so well.
  2. Martinsyde S1 missing in action

    It was his last model and it was on his(Borts) site but onle as a one line link with no pictures.
  3. 5-Color Lozenge for Fokker D.VII's

    congrdulations! it becomes even more "fun" when they get around 13-14 or so ;)
  4. Bortdafarm's WWI Collection

    most of his stuff is here,BFW uploaded it and it's under his name
  5. I'm not 100% sure but I'm not sure what can be done about the AI bombs dropping through the Doors.I have seen this issue on many aircraft made by different modders.
  6. Wearing the navy blue...

    Good Luck! please,time permiting, keep us informed of your adventures.
  7. Yak-27R fix 1.1

    thank you for the update. I really am a fan of the Yak "Brewer/firebar" aircraft. they always looked mean and workman like. no frills and maybe not the best in their class but they look tough as nails.
  8. Bertholds Jasta18 Autum-Winter 1917-18

    excellent work.
  9. Return of the Commodore 64

    I had one back in the day and I played gunship untill the damn thing died.
  10. RFC SPAD VII 2



    Another semi-fictional skin based on pics.
  11. Syrian Air Force - pictures

    ditto Razorback. Nothing would make me happier than to see those planes as smoldering wrecks sitting on the desert floor.
  12. This is sad

    Mexico has degenerated into a failed narco state.Massive killings most bordertowns are lawless because the cartels have either bought or killed the police and it is spilling over into the USA.the other day they found 5 illegals near San fran in a stollen van with stollen goverment plate with the ocupents in Marine uniforms.They are finding more and more OTM(other than Mexican) illegals from China,Pakistan and other middle east countries not to mention the thousands of illegals used either willingly or unwillingly as drug mules.If the border was closed then these things would be lessend to a great degree.I feel that Anyone should be allowed to come here as long as they do it legaly,are not a criminal,and preference should be given to people who show they have the education,skills or personal resources to live and CONTRIBUTE to American life.Assimilation and learning the languge should be mandatory.It is not a right to come here but a priviledge to and the imigrants need to prove they are here to be Americans not just get handouts.For too long we have been the world welfare system we should be taking the best the world has to offer not the worst.Any race any creed any color any religion can enter, please just have a desire to be Americans and understand what that means.

    the truly open minded people here understand the situation and understand that while civilians may be killed the utmost will be done to minimize the situation.Israel along with the US are one of the few nations that put the lives of thier own troops in greater danger to minimize enemy civilian casulties.I wish the people of Israel the best in the coming weeks and I hope and pray my friends and their loved ones get through unscathed. To the Israeli millitary all I can say is get the job done and get home safe.
  14. This is sad

    His remark was a little bit provacative but in escence it's the truth.Most are hard working people just trying to make a living unfortunatly they are breaking the law to do it.You can argue if the law needs to be changed but they are as of now criminals and a massive problem to the states they are living in.The man in the article I'm sure will get the papers he needs.I think it's just a question of lazy burocrates not wanting to have to fill out paper work and do research.I don't think he is in any real danger of being deported.
  15. Mrs. Crab_02 delivers

    great news and congradulations.
  16. many thanks. This was always a great mod now it's just that much better.
  17. thanks I almost put this thread out of my mind.Now I have one more project to obsess about.

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