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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. FM setting i thhink is controled in the realism setting.if you have it on hard it uses the hard FM
  2. Prop SF2...

    thats great news Fubar,I think many will be very excited about this.
  3. what setting is the FM on I have no idea if this helps but Capuns FM are almost always made for normal.Aslo maybe the sensitivity of the joystick? I have never had anything like that happen to me.
  4. Air India plane crashes in Mangalore

    Keep us posted on this Satish,my thoughts and prayers go out to the victoms and families.
  5. thats odd,I havn't really had any issues as of yet.What Game/version/patch do you have WOR on?
  6. Wish List 1-2-3

    I'd like to see mixed ground formations. it would be nice to see APCs and tanks with some AAA and or Command vehicles in ground attack missions.I would like to have to try and pic out the priority targets and have to watchout for AA while doing CAS missions.
  7. good luck in Greece,it looks almost as promising as Bangkok for exciting nightlife these days.
  8. Damn rough story. I hope you get things right next time. Or might I evilishly sugest next time state you don't have a liscence for some medicale reason and then ask if his company discriminates against people with handicaps.I'm sure in this world it's easier to get some quack to state you have some mental reason why you can't drive.All joking aside I wish you the best of luck getting on the road and getting your dream job.
  9. RIP Ronnie James Dio

  10. only in an aviation forum will that phrase not get a stern warning from a moderator.
  11. WIP

    looks great.
  12. A Huge Thank You

    I wouldn't have missed it for the world.I made some great friends here and have derived hours apon hours of enjoyment here,Thank you.
  13. Don't fence me in

    there are about 400000 plus illegals in Arizona,the costs in healthcare education and the legal system are stagering.Also the crime rate has skyrocketed.Arizona is the Kidnap capitol of the USA now.it's not the illegals that are the main issue it's also the flow of drugs and the flow of weapons that are out of control.Also from a security standpoind,if you can get a truckload of people or drugs across you can do the same for bombs or WMDs.there is a false sence that these people are just taking jobs that Americans don't want,well the truth is that is not the case.teens that usual get summer jobs or people wanting to suplimate their income with a second job are unable to because the usual places that hire are full up of under the table illegal workers.It will only get worse as the healthcare crap kicks in.it will be better for buisnesses to have less workers on the books and the ilegal imigrant is the prime one hired in those situations.I do not think a fence by itself will do anything but combined with tougher laws and penalties for the illegal and the person who hires or helps them coupled with an ACTUAL WILLINGNESS to enforce the laws will help alot.nothing will ever shut the door but if you can close it to the point that the few that get in is small enough then things can start to stabilize.the funny thing is that Mexico has the gall to complain about our laws when they have tougher imigration laws their well that is if their corupt goverment and lawenforcement ever enforced them.
  14. Don't fence me in

    I see nothing wrong with keeping anyone from comming into the country illegaly.there is nothing imoral or evil about making people wait in line.it's a priviledge not a right to be allowed into this country.I do not care what part of the world you are from just fill out the papers and wait in line.We are not the worlds welfare program.I have friends from all over the world and I think that the cultures that the live in are great but there is nothing racist or evil about protecting our borders.there is no moral equivilent between us stopping someone from comming into this nation illegaly and The Soviet Union killing people fleeing an evil goverment.there is a saying that while not PC these days sums things up pretty good. Ask an American Indian what happens when you don't control imigration.allow all law abiding people from anywhere in the world into the USA at a rate that allows them to be assimilated into the population,learning the langauge and the history of our nation is a must.I think a good way to get the other nations on board would be to start deducting the prossesing and repatriation costs from what ever aid we give them or if they are the rare country that dosn't get aid the we should impose import taxes on any goods they send us in a direct proportion to the amout of illegal imigrents they fail to stop.
  15. Don't fence me in

    A fence by itself is stupid but as part of a solution it would help.A fence and patrols and electonic survelance would all help.Just boot boots on the ground and have patrols out destroying water stations would really put a dent in the problem.Also making it a crime to aid people crossing the border with a real penalty will help too.That way people who hand out maps to water stations can be arested.
  16. Tsar Tank

    If we can get some Eastern Front terrain and aircrft for First Eagles this would have a real home.I bet it would be fun trying to knock one of these out in an old Albatros.
  17. Tsar Tank

    I don't know how often I'll really be able to use this but I have to say this is one great piece of work.Thanks for making this.
  18. Tweaked "TAIL.tga" files for FE2

    great thinking! thank you
  19. Very cool Julhelm.
  20. my prop projects

    thank you Monty!!!
  21. very nice.I'll be looking forward to this.

    It's starting to really come along.Looks great.
  23. Yak-23 Flora

    lol everyone will be pssszzz-ing soon. oh and by the way pssszzz
  24. TAM SF-2


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