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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. It was a dirty war over the front...

    great stuff! Thank you.
  2. Photorealistic Fokker D.VII OAW

  3. Find the Copperhead

    about 3 weeks ago I woke up with a terrible pounding ear ache.I felt like my head was gonna explode.It felt like I had water in my ear so I used a Q-tip to try and cleadn it out.Every time I stuck the q-tip into my ear the pain increased.I started to think I had a wax build up or something so I poured a little warm water into my ear to losen up the wax and tried again...unfortunaly with the same results.Finaly out of deperation I grabed a pair of long nosed forcepts I used for my modeling work and put them into my ear in the hopes that I could grab what ever was in there.Unfortunaly I did and I removed a large black spider from my ear.It was dead but I don't know it it was already dead or if my trying to remove it killed it either way once I saw waht it was I dropped the damn thing and ran out of the room shrieking like a little girl.I've had and seen some horrible things in my life but that was one time I would have rather not seen what the hell I had seen.I wasn't a big spider hater up till then but now I'm a lot more wary of them.
  4. F1 WIP

    woot woot and woot!
  5. F1 WIP

    Veltro you are my favorite person in the world for today!I hope someone will be able to help you.
  6. We Did It!

    congradulations and a big thank you to Combatace.
  7. I havn't ried it yet,I uninstalled my only SF level one install and hav't got around to redoing it yet.If no one else gives you any feedback I'll test it out over the week end.
  8. Bombing under the stars.
  9. Wikileak Apache video

    "Humanity won't fall because of violence and war. It will fall because of blatant lazyness and down right stupidity." truer words have not been spoken.
  10. thank you.these are great!
  11. Wikileak Apache video

    I think he knows whats going to happen and he's just really excited to meet all those celestial virgins. oh and since when did Ron Jeremy work for the bad guys?
  12. Wikileak Apache video

    looks like these wikileaks guys little story is starting to unravel.it's all ove rthe news now and the more you watch it and see it without the stupid captions and highlights the more and more it looks ok.they convienintly leftout the the men and weapons match the description of men who were engaging US forces in that area that day.Also the dialog between ground and air units sounds to me like they were in a "hot" area and the choppers were looking for these trouble makers to protect the ground troops.also they were trying to get to the wounded when the unmarked vehicle speeds in and starts to grab the guys still alive.it certainly looks like iregular forces setting up an ambush with some stupid reporters going along for the ride.not the best sort of people to be hanging with when US forces are in the area.it sucks these people(the reporters) were killed but they new the risks of being with armed men in a combat zone and they paid the price for their choice to go with them.I still want to know who brings children to a hot combat zone?What were they thinking?
  13. teaser

    most early jets had limitations and experienced pilot in a piston engined aircraft could and did exploit them.
  14. Wikileak Apache video

    I think the "attitudes" can be chocked up to stress.Everyone deals with it differently but troops in combat have over the centuries displayed a sence of dark humor the only those in combat truly will understand.I've seen people laugh and joke at parents funerals and laugh at trafic fatalities,it's not calusness usualy but a defence to the horrors or trauma one is a witness too.
  15. Wikileak Apache video

    CrazyhorseB34 for President. If I was there I'd have the first round.
  16. Nice Albatros DV and Nieuport 17

    thanks Hansa,these are great.
  17. ODD WIP

    been looking forward to this one.great work!
  18. OMG........It's

    I'm a little late to the party but happy birthday and I wish you many many more.
  19. WW2 WIPS

    excellent,I will never get tired of seeing well skined Italian biplanes.
  20. OT The New Doctor any good or not your thoughts...

    my wife hasn't got over David's "death" yet.I've been going thru these transitions since the 70's so I'm kinda used to it.I think it will be how it always is a brief transitions where your watching and your thinking that "this isn't the Doctor" then without even realizing it your watching and it feels like the new guy has always been the Doctor.I am still trying to convince my wife to bury me in a TARDIS coffin when I croak.
  21. It also means they are to poor to afford M-16s

    great skins,I hope your planing more because I really like these.
  23. BPC Mistral

    really cool,thank you.

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