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Everything posted by paulopanz

  1. I'm very happy for this great plane I dressed. If only Geo could send the source files one of our 3D artist could fix the shadows and little upgrade the model ......
  2. These 2 are for You in my last Fitter-k pack. Y.Gordon in his Aerofax book stated: - They were used by No.5 Sq. (Tikrit - Al Bakr AB) and No. 44 sq. (Habbanya). Not other squadrons excluded. - SU-20 (35), Su-22M4 & Su-7BMK (50 in service in dec 1986) were mixed in those units. All of these in 1991 were about 119.
  3. Ciao a voi tutti

    Anche IL-2 ha qualcosa di simile.
  4. That's absolutely true, Kevin. BTW I never seen that map before and I like it.
  5. Excuse me, Gents anyone of You have this book? Thank you in advance. @paul
  6. ..... about MiG-23 I have all flyable with Ordway cockpits.
  7. Hey Centurion! I have other 2 long lasting planes in my HD waiting for complete skinpacks .... .... but maybe these IRAQI ones could be useful
  8. Fantastic! (we don't need Exp.3) [remember to add pilot seat] I did it using great painting guides by Alex.
  9. This plane is a real nightmare to skin and without my very friend Spillone104 I'ld never complete this job ..... I hope You like it.
  10. File Name: PZL TS-11 ISKRA by Veltro2k File Submitter: paulopanz File Submitted: 28 August 2012 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Aircraft The PZL TS-11 ISKRA (English: Spark) is a Polish jet trainer aircraft, used by the air forces of Poland and India. It is notable as the main trainer plane of the Polish Army, the oldest jet plane still in service in Poland - and one of the most reliable. This is the first, old Veltro's ISKRA. I tweaked all the entries (pylons, lights, weapons loadouts, taxing etc.) and made 3 PWL & 1 IAF basic skins. An optional data.ini for early ISKRA bis A (no weapons) included. Working canopy: key 10 The next ISKRA in the makings will be perfect, this can't be finish up due source files loss. So accept this as it is, I made my best. Wellcome back Ed. @ Paul [PS: the IAF skin is for Sandesh, who helped me a lot with references, and all the people around Indo-Pak mod. Let's finish it gents!] Click here to download this file
  11. Badgers are on the way .... (Spillone104 & Paulopanz Ltd.)
  12. It looks good!! ... But how to use? Which way to install?
  13. TuAF F-86E(M) Skinpack (*)

    Version 1.0


    F-86E(M) Designation for ex-RAF Sabres diverted to other NATO air forces 3 skins for 141,142,143 filo + all 107 sabre delivered (*) We have only my JRV red starF-86E(M), but I hope kevin will upload a new sabre, one of these day. Meanwhile You can use these skins in every F-86F/Canadair model You like simply dropping the included skins inside the favorite folder or simply drop in your mod folder the objects included folder if you have my yugo sabre. Credits: - Zur for this fantastic plane - Wrench for generic silver skin I used as base - Wrench for next F-86E(M) he will upload (*) - http://www.tayyareci.com/digerucaklar/turkiye/ for references - Umut for pointing me there sometimes ago Install: - as above Enjoy @ paulopanz
  14. Sometimes, and this is one of these times, ideas are mighter than anything else.
  15. Well, I hope that those beautiful skins will decide our friend VELTRO to make a real late SB2C-5, very useful for an early Indochina campaign ..... I have to say also that I never liked so much the Helldiver before Ed (with Capun help) made this great, oustanding mod but now I have completely changed my mind. So as a real Helldiver fan I thank You very much.
  16. Days of Thunder(streak)s Vol. 7 - HAF

    Version 1.0


    HAF received about 200 F-84F (63 from LW and 18 from KLU) with 335, 336, 337, 338, 340, 342 and 349 Mira What's in: 2 camo and 1 silver High Rez skins with 89 (new) historical decals. Credits: - Ludo Hi Res templates - Natan Deker at http://www.millionmonkeytheater.com/ForgottenJets.html for serials - ACESFAKIA for his Greek inspiration and effort ( )* - paulopanz skins & decals Enjoy @ paulopanz (*) Oh yes Dave the Thunderjets served in Troy siege too
  17. You can add pilot pics there (not save) exactly as in SF-1/WOx serie ...
  18. View File Days of Thunder(streak)s Vol. 7 - HAF HAF received about 200 F-84F (63 from LW and 18 from KLU) with 335, 336, 337, 338, 340, 342 and 349 Mira What's in: 2 camo and 1 silver High Rez skins with 89 (new) historical decals. Credits: - Ludo Hi Res templates - Natan Deker at http://www.millionmonkeytheater.com/ForgottenJets.html for serials - ACESFAKIA for his Greek inspiration and effort ( )* - paulopanz skins & decals Enjoy @ paulopanz (*) Oh yes Dave the Thunderjets served in Troy siege too Submitter paulopanz Submitted 02/04/2013 Category F-84  
  19. Ciao a voi tutti

    Quello che conta alla fine per me non è il realismo esasperato (Lock on, Flaming Cliff e DCS eccellono in questo) ma la sensazione di essere davvero lì, nel cockpit. Per esempio il vecchio EAW di Microprose, il primo simulatore/gioco di Tk che ho preso, pur con le stesse limitazioni simulative di SF, la dava, eccome, se la dava. Decollare con lo Swalbe, fare quota, portarsi in coda al pacchetto di B-17 o di B-24 di turno, trattenere il respiro e buttarsi dentro. I cannoni che sparano all'impazzata, un bombardiere che si spezza in due, poi un altro, olio sul parabrezza ... Quante volte ho aperto il paracadute o sono atterrato con un motore solo .... magari bruciacchiato solo un pò meno di Nowotny, pensando di essere con Galland nel suo Jagdwarband 44. Peccato che non mi giri più su Win 7, perchè un voletto me lo farei ancora .. Per carità bellissimo Il-2 in tutte le sue versioni, con missioni epiche. Una fra tante, già nel primo, salire col Mig-3 fino a prendere un FW-189 ad altissima quota sulla steppa ghiacciata ... O le missioni finlandesi sui Buffalo, gli Hawk etc. sul baltico.... Ma l'attacco ai bombardieri di EAW me lo risogno ancora: adrenalina pura.
  20. File Name: TuAF F-86E(M) Skinpack (*) File Submitter: paulopanz File Submitted: 04 February 2013 File Category: SF2 Series WW2 Aircraft & Skins F-86E(M) Designation for ex-RAF Sabres diverted to other NATO air forces 3 skins for 141,142,143 filo + all 107 sabre delivered (*) We have only my JRV red starF-86E(M), but I hope kevin will upload a new sabre, one of these day. Meanwhile You can use these skins in every F-86F/Canadair model You like simply dropping the included skins inside the favorite folder or simply drop in your mod folder the objects included folder if you have my yugo sabre. Credits: - Zur for this fantastic plane - Wrench for generic silver skin I used as base - Wrench for next F-86E(M) he will upload (*) - http://www.tayyareci.com/digerucaklar/turkiye/ for references - Umut for pointing me there sometimes ago Install: - as above Enjoy @ paulopanz Click here to download this file
  21. Version 1.2 realised. [this plane is tailored for SF-2 last patch]
  22. 5 years grammar, translations, litterature .... alongside Latin, Math etc. .... a very hard job, in italian "Liceo Classico". The oldest, traditional high school here. Next year my son will start it, too. Mandatory screenshot
  23. Ciao a voi tutti

    Ciao VBS_Nero, DCS non riesco a farmelo piacere. Di volare sulla Georgia in una specie di guerra civile post-sovietica, infatti, non mi intriga molto. Pochi aerei (anche questi non tra i miei preferiti che appartengono alla generazione precedente) e molti, diversi comandi. Il IL-2 1946 invece è un classico e di tanto in tanto (quando esce una patch semi-ufficiale) lo rispolvero volentieri. La mia passione è SF-2. Sopratutto dipingere le skin come facevo con i modelli airfix da ragazzo ... Ma se parliamo di aereonautica va sempre bene.

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