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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Iranian F-14s in Retrospect

    Regarding Iranian units, anyone know a good book or article detailing the Iranian Cobra operations during the war? I tried it before with Iraqi Hinds without luck, so for Iranian sounds even more difficult.
  2. 20 years of CFS3 and going strong...

    I still have my copy on the shelf beside me, but never attempted to mod it except for some planes back in the days.
  3. 20 years of CFS3 and going strong...

    Beautiful! And where all the mods stored?
  4. Yes, IIRC the early Corsairs were bumpy once they hit the deck.
  5. No AFAIK, they were big fans of the Corsair.
  6. If someone had the knowledge to hack the game and fix bugs and adding some features we would improve the game a lot, but hacking exes is almoat impossible without the code.
  7. Later variants have extended range compared to the first ones IIRC.
  8. I like the new houses! will you swap the palms by trees as well?
  9. Wow Swambast! That look almost like a real pic.
  10. And on a COIN scenario where the enemy posses no aircraft, would be possible to encounter civilian planes flying ONLY over friendly territory?
  11. T-34A Mentor for Argentina

    Beautiful work, hope Uruguay is next ;)
  12. Seen you uploaded the Mentors, any chance of any of this? Uruguay and Argentina, nice for Rio de la Plata Terrain.
  13. On both sides of the river, 80% of the houses are 1 height and painted in white with flat roofs, the roofs were painted in different colours, so you can see houses with grey roofs, blue roofs, white roofs... Also the ocasional orange roof tiled house but those are far less frequent. See attached pics. Regarding palm trees there is the ocasional palm planted on villages or along the roads, but no palm trees on the fields, nothing at all, so I would get rid of them. There are trees, but not that many as in the SF2 terrain.
  14. Ok, will provide those pics. Please think about the muddy estuary as well.
  15. If we could change the skin of those bamboo huts for something more "house style"...
  16. The T-34 would benefit from the old trick of adding skids under wings and fuselage to being able to land on the belly!
  17. I think the estuary should be in full muddy brown, look at the pics... BTW, love the green tileset version!! as Gepard said can be a nice seasonal variation.
  18. Between Lavi's and Nammer's there at least 8 different variants, we would need some help to finish them and bring them up for download, skin weathering, hangar screens, loadout fixing...
  19. yeah that's it! Read once a what if piece with Britain sending some to fight with Nationalist China against the red China.

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