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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. There are only two payware groups, as I cannot find anything like that for YAP it must be something related to WTR.
  2. Altough I agree in the most part I think that the avionics department will benefit a lot of more modes added, a proper A-G radar, CCRP... We have seen in the videos that can be done, but unfortunately we don't have any member that knows how.
  3. What is interesting is that CombatAce has enough top notch modders to create something huge for SF, but do we have any modder that know how to deal with exes? Cause I think the problem is here.
  4. Mlracing (he's not active in SF modding anymore) was able trough hex editing I think (kacking the exe for sure) to improve the avionics, here is his last mail with me. And here the link to the videos, you can still check them. http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMzIwNzI4MDA0/v.swf http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMjQ4NDA1NTI0/v.swf Post 1982 planes will improve a lot with such a mod. And If we add A-A refueling, kaboom!
  5. I have a couple of MANPADs installed, the Sa-14 and Sa-18, but I've never seen those firing, neither to me or against AI, so my question is, do we have any MANPAd that rally shoot against passing aircraft?
  6. It seems that my data was mispelled, now they fire and track properly. Thanks! Snailman can't wait to install your pack.
  7. Then is what I have been thinking for SF2.
  8. I hope you can upload it, I have some ideas for it!
  9. And how those patches work? Can you explain please?
  10. Shouldn't be possible to release a patch that modify that same LOD? This way we will not share any lod.
  11. Well seeing the part here "you're free to mod our games, any way you like, the only thing we ask is that you don't redistribute any of our original files" I think he authorizes ANY work on ANY of his files, exes, lods, dll, etc. But we don't have to share any of his works, I think is possible to create a way to mod his games further without redistribution. One Idea can be release patches that mod his original exes, this way we can mod SF further without redistributing any of his own files. For example, we create a avionics patch for SF2, we release the patch here BUT without the original game you cannot do nothing with it.
  12. AAAAAH, found it. Any way you like, he said I think he's pretty clear as he talk clearly about exes, CAT files and dll. Man how I would love a avionics update!!
  13. IIRC I have a mail from TK himself with those words, will search and post a pic here. Mue please correct me if I'm wrong, but such CAT extractor will give us acces to new files, but will not allow for new avionics.
  14. I'm missing something? There is a tool available somewhere and someone is hiding for himself?
  15. Trying the ODS B-52G, is fun, but wish we had a gunsight cockpit just like the recently released Yak-28B cockpit.
  16. img00010

    From the album Stratos

  17. img00009

    From the album Stratos

  18. img00008

    From the album Stratos

  19. Again is a matter of who will do it or more precisely, who can do it?. Do we have someone here in the community capable of hacking the exe? BTW I have a video showing slewable radar cursors and a working A-G radar but IIRC it was a exe hack for SF series 1, no idea If it work on series 2.
  20. That's not even needed, TK already made clear that If we don't make profit from it, and we don't share his payware content, we can do whatever we want with SF2 engine. But who knows how to deal with the exe files?
  21. A true classic, and one of the what if I like the most.
  22. The Marine National got his Sea Harriers in early 1980, in order to develope a VTOL doctrine of their own. As the Royale does not had any VTOL style aircraft they decided to purchase at lease 14 Sea Harriers from the UK. Soon they will see combat over Lebanon after the 1983 bombings. The Sea Harrier provided strike and CAS hability to the french troops on the ground, and defended itself from the Syrian MiG-23 flying over the Beqaa valley. One of the most important acomplishments developed duirng the eastern Med tour, was the use of the Helicopter Cruiser Jeanne d'Arc as a FARP for the Harrier operating over Lebanon, that helped to reduce the transit times and to increase the loitering time, a fact that proved vital during the attacks suffered by french troops on the ground. During this operations the french pilots learn a lot of tactics and procedures for safe ops on such a small deck, and even created a "picket" doctrine that let the Sea Harriers protect the vital carriers being positioned between the enemy coast and the flat tops. During the 1983 cruise, the Marine lost a Sea Harrier on air combat against a MiG-23 shoot down on close combat by a R-60 missile, in his turn the french claimed a couple of Fishbeds, but this fact remain unconfirmed until today. On the deck of the Jeanne d'Arc Helicopter Cruiser. That ship often operated as a FARP for the Sea Harrier pair operating as CAS and strike flights over Lebanon. Taking off was always hard. Bombing a PLO HQ on the Beqaa valley. More was expected of the Matra Magic missile (often spoffed by Syrian flares), but at least two MiG-21 were killed by it. Landing was tricky at best, but the french sailors soon generated a good amount of new doctrines that will soon be studied by friendly air forces. A simple Indian Sea Harrier reuse as a french Marine National Harrier. After downloading the Jeanne d'Arc I had to do something like that, and it was really fun, even If dogfighting Syrian MiGs with Harriers is not a very clever idea.
  23. img00057

    From the album Stratos


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