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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Have been thinking in a possible install for the 1980-88 soviet invasion of Afghanistan for use it with Mission Builder created missions. No idea If is possible to have the Mujaideens in SF2, but will be nice to have some dushman infantry, heavy and medium MG and a Manpad. Such mod will need also: - Mi-8 Hip. - Mi-24D Hind. - Su-25 And the terrain. For the terrain, we have a Afghanistan terrain, so only the copters and the Su25 are needed now. Searching for them!
  2. That's great, will love to see a Mi-24 too. But anyway I can only pop a map with targets, I need someone to create the map itself first. I also think we have Mujahideen targets in the form of Dhsk AAA, SA-7 and infantry.
  3. I opened the old map in the target editor and is not even open properly. Wondering If someone can provide me with a suitable 1979-89 era map of the area I will populate it myself. If is enough interest of course.
  4. Cool story. The european market received any of those Phantoms? Maybe for Spain?
  5. 1803646

    From the album Stratos

  6. PLAAF Night Hunters Getting close for the kill. Scratch one. Scratch two. Heavy damage, but it returned to the carrier. Back for breakfast.
  7. img00048

    From the album Stratos

  8. img00047

    From the album Stratos

  9. img00046

    From the album Stratos

  10. img00045

    From the album Stratos

  11. img00044

    From the album Stratos

  12. No...it's not photoshopped

    VEAO will create a Wales mach loop map for DCS. Now that would be really nice!
  13. Looks great! Can't wait to fly it over Formosa strait. Will it come a PLAAF skin?
  14. I hope to see it soon, before summer in fact. Maybe around April or early May.
  15. Looking forward to this one!!
  16. Pretty interesting project.
  17. Pretty cool one Spinners. You're in Argie mood, want a Asado?
  18. The story is that with the Soviets already in Wien Stalin didn't back up and Austria was split between West and East Austrias with capital in Innsbruck and Wien. Pretty fun stuff in that story including Steyr modified Fagots and other stuff like that.
  19. I agree! I imagined for a long time a Mirage F.1 with the Harrier GR.3 Falklands cammo and markings and the first Thud is damn close. Well done!
  20. Those exams are damn hard mate. Good luck with it.

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