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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Last time I send a letter to Avast telling the problem after a recommendation from Wrench, never got a answer. Maybe youre right and is time to move. Thanks a lot guys!!
  2. It was the damn Avast again!! This timea. Different file with almost same results. It works now, need to check why theres no terrain now.
  3. No AFAIK, I cannot enter any menu, simply CTD at start. No idea of how I could have done that.
  4. I'm on a desktop. I'm trying restoring a old config, I doubt it will work, BUT it says Windows updated DirectX. Any idea of how I can proceed?
  5. Windows did a auto update yesterday night. I'm on Win7, can this be??
  6. Well I tried to reinstall. Same CTD
  7. IIRC there are two "one guy" teams creating choppers right now, those are fairly simple helicopters the Bo105 and the Sa342, but I think it can be done. I'm not a modder, I can only help researching, so this is not a request in any way, but I dream of several CA modders banding togeter in order to get a Hi-Fi plane for DCS.
  8. This ones were part of a FC2 mod, I think they cannot be ported to DCS, what a real shame. :(
  9. ScreenShot 371

    From the album Stratos

  10. You're welcome. Never skinned for DCS, no idea how it goes. Home someone will make a step forward. Will be great to fly around this map in a Hornet. Also ED stated this is a kind of trial map, they made it small so they can see how they work, best ways to create maps, etc... If all goes well we will see bigger maps in the future and maybe even an expansion of this one.
  11. The Su-25 are in the hands of the Pasdaran revolutionary guards, note his emblem on the tail art. BTW, pics of the current DCS F-5 and F-4 models:
  12. Those two have really really outdated 3d models and skins. They look terrible!! Hope they are updated at some time. If not you will mix DCS planes with USN Fighters'97 planes. BTW, you missed the Su-25 that is already on DCS and the Mirage F.1 (not in DCS), also I started to think how a Su-27 will look in Iranian cammo.
  13. Hope both guys are recovered well and sound.
  14. I tought the exact same thing. If DCS upgrade the F-4 and the F-5 and add the Mirage F.1 as used by Iran it will be amazing!
  15. Bump, so no Príncipe de Asturias carrier for SF2?
  16. The Harpoon armed Intruders in that cammo looks great!
  17. I don't want to start a comparison or flaming war, but have been flying in BMS a lot and launching the AIM-7M Sparrow using the ADV F-16. BMS has the reputation of being the most realistic sim available at the moment, and the Sparrow behaves completely different in both sims. In SF is a killing machine achieving very high PK while in BMS is very hard to mantain proper lock (remember the Sparrow needs to mantain the lock during ALL the flight to the target as is not capable of relinking once the link is lost), I think SF simulates far better the flight characteristics of the missile, but lose when compared in the avionics department as I think our radar is too powerful as the enemies cannot break lock. The Sparrow requires a hard lock so the enemy plane will know he's being locked, so it should try to broke the lock being with ECM when able or maneuvering, in SF the enemy tends to keep pressing until it gets a Sparrow on the face. Currently is very easy to mantain the lock all the way to the kill Should I change parameters of the radars? or in the Sparrow itself? Or maybe is the enemy AI? I'm talking about modern enemies (Mig-29, advanced Mig-23's...) no old Fishbeds. I'm using F-15C's and F/A-18C and the M version of the AIM-7. And flying over Iraq on ODS mod.
  18. Desert Storm and 2003 operations will be really great!
  19. I will try the DCS Sparrow armed F-15 and check what I can obtain. So Do335, what you're saying is that we should aim to something between the two sims right?
  20. Hope this guys create a ODS map. I'm tired of flying over Korea and Georgia.
  21. Love it!! Shame we don't a have a Kuriles map so we can replay the USNF'97 campaigns!
  22. EAW140

    Is not easier to post some info and a download link?
  23. Wondering If is possible to have somehow labels activated on missiles only, and If is possible displaying a * or something like that. If we can have the range will be even better. Is that possible?
  24. I will like to enhance the fun/realism factor of my SF2 installs, in order to not open several threats I will keep my questions here. First one, IIRC the SAMS you can place using mission editor have to be self contained, with radar and launcher in the same unit (ala SA-8), you cannot add working SA-6 or SA-2 as there will be no link between radars and launchers. My question is, is possible to design a modded SAM system SA-2, SA-3, 5 or 6 (using already in game 3d objects to save time) that is self-contained and can be placed using mission editor and be functional? I know that all the SAM system will blow up If you destroy the radar, but will be nice to be able to place a advanced SAM system using mission editor. What do you think guys?

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