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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Pequeña petición 3d. Por favor.

    Podría alguien por favor crear esta pequeña protuberancia para el FLIR que se ve bajo el morro, y añadirla al Mirage V que viene con el juego usando el método del "fake pilot"? Estaría muy agradecido.
  2. Pequeña petición 3d. Por favor.

    Torno porfavor mire sus mensajes privados.
  3. Pequeña petición 3d. Por favor.

    Se puede descargar de alguna parte? He estado buscando en la zona de descargas sin ninguna suerte. Espero me pueda ayudar a encontrarlo.
  4. Preguntas varias y dudas en general

    De eso ya no me entero. Según tu, es posible pues cambiarlo ya? Las bombas argentinas fallaron pero no tanto como para no hundir varios buques ingleses.
  5. Pequeña petición 3d. Por favor.

    60 vistas, jeje. Espero que algién se anime por favor.
  6. Preguntas varias y dudas en general

    El problema está en la salida del North Atlantic que ha hecho que todos los barcos necesiten ahora de unos "lod" específicos. Estan trabajando en ello, avisarán cuando lo tengan listo en el foro general. Como yo estoy con ese problema, lo publicaré aquí una vez esté listo.
  7. While searching for a certain sharkmouth, I found this cool scheme...
  8. Where can you see the discount? My games are at same prize as before.
  9. Will like to request this to be added via fake pilot method. Hope someone can give it a go.
  10. IS the old screenshot post still available somewhere? Want to check some pics of the last days.
  11. The release of a eastern front (Galicia) map, made me decide about getting First Eagles 2, but as I have no idea of what to install in order to improve graphics, I will ask for help here. Which mods should I get in order to improve the terrains and weather of the game? Any terrain for Italian front? Thanks!
  12. EA-7L Corsair II by The Mirage Factory

    Excellent!! Love flying from second cockpit. BTW in the cockpit pic, is that fishing ship available somewhere?
  13. Now that NA is out, I will like to ask what do you guys think that the Mirage F1 DLC (or expansion, or wathever is called now) will offer. PLEASE keep in mind, I'm not asking what will you like to see, but what you expect and when you expect it. For example, F1 variants included, liveries, If it will include a new terrain, etc... I will start myself. - Mirage F1 AZ and CZ variants of the SAAF. - New terrain (old style) map of Namibia. That's it. Please add your ideas. Thank's.
  14. Wondering If someone have a smoke marker ground object for SF2 series. Something we can add via mission editor so it shows a nice smoke column (colored if possible) to mark things like enemy positions or own forces positions. This way we can simulate FAC and ground FACS in our games, think it can be real fun. Thanks.
  15. Anyone Playing Diablo 3?

    I'm think I will get in 3 weeks for my Birthday. Will play the Magician for sure.
  16. Back up

    Good to see you guys are back!
  17. One question about DLC's, when TK releases a new DLC he includes Fuel Tanks and the needed A-A and A-G weapons in the pack??
  18. I see. I expected something like a new terrain. Well a Mirage F.1 will be a nice addition, hope is the S.African version now that Coupi is working on that terrain.
  19. Very interesting plane. Thanks for the info.
  20. Ordway posted some pics last year of a tileset he has as a WIP. No more news since then. I contacted him and he said is still not finished. But maybe can be a start for Coupi map?
  21. Excuse my ignorance, but when you talk about a NAVY version, are you talking about a hook equipped, catapult launcheable plane? Will India have a new carrier for them?
  22. I will love to see such terrain. Let's hope you have some luck and that we can get a proper tileset for it too. Crossing my fingers!
  23. I installed Falklands/Malvinas mod for SF2 and os great except that the bombs cant necer hit the british ships. The bomba simply fly trough them and never explode. Lamd targets are possible to destroy, but not the british ships. Any idea? Thanks.

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