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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Was not a real question, more a rethoric question, like "why everyones flies the twin seater when the single seater looks so cool" :)
  2. Nice pics of the Super Hornets Maverick, is curious that all the S.Hornet pics I can see use the F/A-18F, don't we have the E variant? Always prefered to fight alone in my plane.
  3. A mission every 10 days?

    Then I'm doing something wrong, as I can't get this result. Maybe a dificulty setting I have in the wrong pselection or something like that? Seems that I'm missing a config screen or I can't see it, cause can't see the "pilot never dies option" either, about my game, when I hit CTRL + SHIFT + E, time passes to 2x, then to 4x, 8x and 16x If I press the combination again, BUT If there are enemies around, time got back to normal time inmediatly and I get a message that IIRC says: "that I can't leave the area cause there are enemies around" trying warping gives me the same result. The hability to accelerate time to 16x even when there are enemy planes around will make this game perfect for me as I will be able to play the missions so much faster so I will be able to enjoy a full campaign. Really looking forward to this, hope you guys can tell me what I'm doing wrong. BTW If I don't have the Hat in the Ring expansion I will never see the Nieuport 28 as a enemy?
  4. A mission every 10 days?

    I like the way the campaign is handled, medals and claims. In campaign you fight for a thing. But this time unaccelerable feature is killing me. Sorry is only a matter of available time.
  5. A mission every 10 days?

    Unfortunately I have not tihe time to play such missions. With the work, the university, the sports... The flying time is really reduced so such long missions are out of all discussion in my case sadly. :( Now I understand your points, and I like to fly some missions without a real purpose using free-flight, BUT If I want to advance a campaign, fly different planes against different opponents etc, I need the feature to accelerate the time. CTRL+SHIFT+E accelerate the time, but NOT when there are enemy planes around, and I'm not sure about enemy ground troops, maybe I'm doing something wrong? It accelerates in short burst before saying that there are enemies around and getting back the normal time, maybe is an option to accelerate the time EVEn when there are enemies around? Another thing is, can the radar difference betwen enemy and own side planes? If yes, how please? Want to say a big THANKS for the help you guys are giving to me! Is really apreciatted and hope you can continue the help to this poor noob. Thanks again!
  6. A mission every 10 days?

    Wondering what you do when you reach the front as warping doesn't work and you can't accelerate time cause there are enemies around. It can be really boring to bypass that area flying over it until you can accelerate time again. Or I'm mission gsomething?
  7. A mission every 10 days?

    Thanks a lot guys!! Really apreciatted!
  8. A mission every 10 days?

    Maybe I'm missing something but can't find the mission frequency selector. Also, is not possible to have a "never die" pilot in a campaign? He can be hospitalized or made prisoner for a while but never killed?
  9. Is possible to unjam the guns or once you have a jam you are done? IIRC they carry a small hammer to unjam the guns, but maybe I saw it in a movie :) Thanks!
  10. A Saitek X52 POV HAT is very useful on my other aviation games.
  11. Phase 4 Screenshot comments

    I have been watching the pics Of the Phase 4, and will like to ask a couple of things. 1- Is possible to let the player accelerate the game ven If there are enemy planes around? That will be really useful 2- Will be needed the OFF Hat in the Ring expansion? 3- I supose it will be a new payware adoon right?
  12. Unjam the guns?

    Where this?
  13. Have we figured this out?

    Any idea to reduce the speed difference with AIs then?
  14. I'm thinking in starting a campaign with the germans just after the Eindecker (which plane followed this the E.III?) and will like to know If is possible to use personal skins, If I can reach 5 kills will like to have my own paintcheme. I remember Red Baron 3d let you paint your plane, is the same for OFF?
  15. Personal skins?

    Thanks, will try to get the five kills before the skin, then maybe I will ask for a good skinner to help me :)
  16. Have we figured this out?

    Maybe is possible to tweak the AI for the next phase? Another option "afecting" the realism is reducing the fuel ammount for the player to reduce the weight and give it unlimited fuel, but that will be cheating. I'm also a bit annoyed by really fast AI, so maybe Fortiesboy can share his tweak of the RPM so all can fly a bit faster planes giving us more realism. Please!
  17. Can someone please post a couple of screenshots displaying the Royal Aircraft Factory B.E.2? IIRC there is a skin that came with cream colour and the Union Jack, can someone post pics of this too? Need it for a experiment. Thanks
  18. I have the game don't worry. :) Simply not installed at the moment. If all goes well will show you the experiment. Some more pics will be apreciatted.
  19. Spinners will you release those PR blue recon Hunters?
  20. What loadouts can carry the Yak-38? Only 4 stations? as this sounds pretty poor.
  21. Are the Hueys Yappish? And you get them working on SF2?
  22. Pedido de Mirage III de reconocimiento

    Recibido!! Muchísimas gracias a Torno y Suicidal por todo su trabajo!!
  23. Pedido de Mirage III de reconocimiento

    Excelente el trabajo que están haciendo!! Se agradece
  24. Thanks mate!! Great news, can't wait to take off from a american carrier and pound some bad guys!

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