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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Anyone tought in creating a Mig-29K? The naval version of the Fulcrum? Will be great to operate it from the Kuztnesov deck, with the full series of smart munitions being escorted by the Su-33, lovely specially in Black Sea, now that its terrain is available. And once Indo-Pak terrain is released, will be cool to strike Pakistani targets with it. I don't know If is possible to adapt it from already existing Fulcrums or if a new model is needed, If the request is asking too much please forgive me. Some pics:
  2. Anyone can get a complete download for this one? I'm getting acorrupt download and can't isntall the pack properly.
  3. That was really really fast!! Thanks mate, following it
  4. A 2 seater version will be nice, but I hope a single seater version can be included too, as I prefer his look. Thanks for the info!
  5. Just read another fine story at SimHq using SF series as a base, you can read it here: ( http://www.simhq.com/_air13/air_449a.html ), is by EricJ and is really well writen, but some things, caught my interest and will like to ask some questions. 1- You used SF or SF2? 2- Was the mission created for the story? Or it was one of the in-game self generated mission? 3- Never tried a modern plane in SF series, how is the weaponry simulated? Is fine? And thats it, for EricJ thanks for the story, hope you can do some more, maybe one about protagonist father in Afghanistan? For the others, please read the sotry, is really nice. Thanks
  6. I browsed trough downloads but can't fing the F-15B, wondering If we have it available for SF2, specially If it came with a template, will like to try a USN version of the Eagle.
  7. Thanks, is there any template I can use?
  8. I'm not a Tomcat fan in any way, but I will purchase the game, hope to see a new terrain and the hability to start single missions on carriers added to the series
  9. Spinners those Vampires are really cool, I can imagine them fighting against soviet airplanes over Hokkaido
  10. I will prefer a scenario with land we can bomb, a A-A scenario only will be really boring, and I will not count with a good depict of naval ops as TK never did it before.
  11. I have a couple of requests for WOI2 expansion that enter fully on the What If category, maybe you guys are interested and can take a look. I think It will be great to fly those planes in different paintschemes. Firt one will be the De Havilland Sea Vampire: for both the Fleet Air Arm and the Aeronavale service during the Suez crisis, FAA should carry the standard fleet air arm scheme plus the invasion strips: Sorry but couldn't find any pic of FAA with invasion strips. French one should carry the Aeronavale scheme: Second request If possible will be the Hawker Seahawk in french colours, both schemes will be amazing but I leave you select the one you prefer. Possible?
  12. Yes mate!! Is perfect! Love the pirate skull on the rudder, great work.
  13. GORGEOUS!!! Will be really great to fly it over Suez from the Arromanches!! Thanks looking forward to final version!
  14. Paulo, do you know If Lebanum ever used the Vampire? Could be a nice skin over the northern border.
  15. Kevin, will you be able to add the hook on the Vampires? "virtual" hook of course, and yes belly light is ok. Flying from the cockpit the visible hook is simply a eye candy addition. Soul will you do the Seahawk?
  16. Nice update to the terrain. Looking forward to it!
  17. Cuba terrain with Stary trees is a very very interesting one, wondering if is possible to make it work on SF2, and if yes howÇ? Thanks!
  18. Will not bee too easy to shoot down those unarmed bombers? What hope of defense they have?
  19. Soulfreak, will be great If you can do the Seahawks, so yes please and Thanks in advance! Ludo good news, wondering If we have a hook equipped Sea Vampire out there?
  20. WOW!!! Is not a what if!! Well the invasion strips will be lol Hope someone can help me will be really cool to fly over the Sinai sand chasing Migs hehehe BTW the french Seahawk is totally ficitonal, but still a cool machine to fly.
  21. Can you develpe this please? Maybe in a non-SF related part of this forum?
  22. Hi-vis marking will be great too!! Looking a this the Mirage III appeared on my mind, maybe someone can make a Swedish splinter cammo for the Mirage III V family?
  23. Was the Draken available on 1962? Maybe a scheme to use it over Cuba Spinners?

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