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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. F-8 Crusader what if?

    WOW!! Very cool! Can you share the webpage please?
  2. Why this carrier have deck crew?
  3. Wow what a cool light plane!! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_CL-1200 Imagine it on SF series?? Providing fighters to Belgium, Spain, the Netherlands, Norway...
  4. Directly from WIKI Armament The Lancer was intended to retain the 20 millimeter General Electric M61A1 cannon as its primary armament, although a 30 millimeter DEFA gun could be fitted as an alternative. For the ground-attack role nine weapons stations were provided: one under the fuselage, three under each wing, and one at each wingtip. Two Nord Aviation AS-30 missiles could be carried on the inner underwing pylons, while up to 12,000 pounds of ordnance could be carried on short-range ground-attack missions. Air-to-air missiles designed to be carried were AIM-7 Sparrow (maximum of four) and AIM-9 Sidewinder (typically, six to be carried with a maximimum of 10 possible). External fuel tanks of the same type and capacity as the F-104 could be carried on the wing tips and on underwing pylons to increase ferry range. Not bad weapon load! Nghengo very nice model!! Will wait patiently for it!!
  5. Unfortunately I don't have the needed skills for such a project. Is more a "hey look what I found than anyhting else"
  6. Fighting against Cuban erm Angolan Migs will be amazing with one bush terrain populated by Stary... wow
  7. IIRC our current F111 have a hook, maybe adding a US NAVY skin and some ini changes can give the F111B? With all those Bears coming, is time for something with a long punch!! ( and yes I know about the Tomcat ;) ) From Wiki: The F-111B was to be a fleet air defense (FAD) fighter for the U.S. Navy, fulfilling a long-standing naval requirement for a fighter capable of carrying heavy, long-range missiles to defend carriers and their battle groups from Soviet bombers and fighter-bombers equipped with anti-ship missiles. The Navy had just cancelled the F6D Missileer, a concept for a slow, straight-winged jet with the advanced Hughes AN/AWG-9 pulse-Doppler radar, which could detect low flying targets among ground clutter, and lift eight new AIM-54 Phoenix long range, air-to-air missiles, which could attack multiple aircraft simultaneously at ranges out to 100 miles (160 km). The concept was soon cancelled, but the F-111 offered a platform with the range, payload, and Mach 2 performance of a fighter to intercept targets quickly, but with swing wings and turbofan engines, it could also loiter on station for long periods. The F-111B would carry six Phoenix missiles, but have no gun or other short range armament. General Dynamics, having no experience with carrier-based aviation, partnered with Grumman for this version. The F-111B was a compromise that attempted to reconcile the Navy's very different needs with an aircraft whose basic configuration was largely set by the USAF need for a supersonic strike aircraft. These compromises would harm both USAF and USN versions. The side-by-side seating was preferred by the Navy from the Missileer. The F-111B was shorter than the F-111A, in order to enable it to fit on aircraft carrier deck edge elevators between the flight deck and the hangar deck. The F-111B also had a longer wingspan than its USAF counterpart (70 ft/21.3 m compared to 63 ft/19.2 m) for increased range and cruising endurance. Although the Navy had wanted a 48-inch (122 cm) radar dish for long range, they were forced to accept a 36-inch (91.4 cm) dish for compatibility. The Navy had requested a maximum takeoff weight of 50,000 lb (22,686 kg), but then-Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara forced the Navy to compromise at 55,000 lb (24,955 kg). This weight goal proved to be overly optimistic. Excessive weight plagued the F-111B throughout its development. Not only were prototypes far over the 55,000 lb (24,955 kg) limit, efforts to redesign the airframe only made matters worse. The excessive weight made the aircraft seriously underpowered. In landing configuration at carrier weights, the F-111B could not maintain level flight on one engine, which would be a major problem once committed to the approach.[citation needed] Worse, its visibility for carrier approach and landing were abysmal. Requirements for the F-111B had been formulated before air combat over Vietnam in 1965 showed the Navy still had a need for an aircraft which could engage MiG fighters at close range. The Navy desired a fighter with more performance than the F-4 Phantom II, yet in trials, the maneuverability and performance of the F-111B, especially in the crucial medium-altitude regimen, was decidedly inferior to the Phantom. During the congressional hearings for the aircraft, Vice Admiral Thomas F. Connolly, then Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Air Warfare, famously responded to a question from Senator John C. Stennis as to whether a more powerful engine would cure the aircraft's woes with "There isn't enough power in all Christendom to make that airplane what we want!"[18] By October 1967, the Navy was finally convinced that the F-111B program was a lost cause and recommended its cancellation, which occurred in 1968 after seven had been delivered,[19] two of which had crashed. The swing-wing configuration, TF-30 engines, Phoenix missiles and radar developed for this aircraft (and the earlier, canceled F6D Missileer) were used on its replacement, the F-14 Tomcat, also designed by Grumman. The Tomcat would be large enough to carry the AWG-9 and Phoenix weapons system while exceeding the agility and speed of the F-4 Phantom.
  8. Well 70 kts is very very fast mate, are you sure that a carrier can reach that speed??
  9. That's why we need to support TK and his sims!!
  10. Sure it will be an amazing mod the biggest one :) Thank's to all of you involved!!
  11. Nice pics of the Jags, hope to see them included as flyable in DS
  12. Can someone post pics of Pink Desert Jaguars please?
  13. Will be amazing If someone can sort those hook problems so we all can try the embarked F111
  14. Anyone here tried to use a winter tileset with the Stary fantastic trees for WOE? Will be cool to fly on the European winter months with all those trees
  15. Column do you have any pic or diagram of the different noses?
  16. Congratulations guys and thank's a lot for it!!
  17. Please tell me is the Black Sea please please
  18. Who have You Met In Person?

    Me and my wife met Kirsten when we visited Amsterdam! A incredible person. Really happy to met him, he helped us with the airport and even took us for some aviation shopping. Thank's mate
  19. Ok, now that everyone will be flying WOI, can someone please tell me how I have to fly the Mirage/Nesher against those pesky Migs in order to hit them? I really suck in that plane no matter what I do. I'm sure is a very good aircraft but I don't know how to drive it. And please don't tell me simply Zoom and Boom, I can't fully understand even less master the technice If someone don't tell me how to fight. Thank's!!
  20. The USS Cabot later Dedalo was the first truly spanish carrier, we operated Harriers from it, but do you think that as a carrier can operate Crusaders and Skyhawks?? Maybe changing the deck to a metal one? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_aircr...ier_D%C3%A9dalo
  21. Want to use the Mirage over Lebanon escorting Kfirs, but for this need a late skin, as this one you can see here: Is a very cool skin, but unfortunately can't find it available anywhere, so I supose no one did it. I want to create it but there's not a good template for WOI Mirage as the Thirwire one really sucks, so my questions is: -Is this skin available somewhere?? -If not, anyone have a good template so I can create the skin please?
  22. Thank's guys!! Aplying it right now!

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