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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Sorry to bother again, and If my F105 unit have no drop tanks available??
  2. I have YAP installed and I'm currently playing a campaign "Rolling Thunder" in a Skyhawk, and I'm getting to attack Bridges, Warehouses, PT bases... Don't know If this targets are there before but what isn't there is the great looking AAA, the ships on the rivers and harbours, the populated places...
  3. That's is!! Excellent! All working perfectly now!! Thank's a lot!!!
  4. Thank's Dave and sorry, I forgot to look the base I got the unit working perfectly on the new carrier, but all my stores are empty, I can't select any bomb or rocket to my A-4. Any idea??
  5. I need to contact Mirage Factory asap, If possible torugh Messenger, I need to ask a couple of thechnical questions about the Mirage IIIC, and ask permission to modify it. Thanks My msn is "capitanstratos1 AT hotmail DOT com" Thank's a lot!!
  6. I was thinking in those very nice Mirage III with canards wings, specially the Mirage III used to recon by the Swiss Luftwaffe. In case we don't hve, will be too hard to add the canard wings, and change the nose a little using existing Mirage planes?? Thank's
  7. I sent a mail to Bpao, how many polys have a SF series pleane??
  8. A friend of mine will help me modifying the current Mirage IIIC If we can open the 3d. What program I will need?? And specially where I can contact the Mirage Factory for permission??
  9. Hello!! I will be 25 at 21:30!! Hope to share a lot more years with the community!!
  10. Nice video, but like you my favourite mount is the Fishbed!!
  11. Thank's guys!! I really apreciate the kind works!! :yes:
  12. I downloaded the Red Wolf campaign, but it says I need to found the CVA-64 available at Combat Ace. And I ask, where from Combat Ace?? Thank's
  13. I have both games, will try to extract it Thank's for all the help and what files I need to extract??
  14. And how Can I change the carrier in campaign??
  15. I have it installed in SFP1 arghhh
  16. OOOOOPSSSS!!! What carrier?? I need to extract it from WOV??
  17. And how I have to install it?? I dropped the files into Groundobject, but I still crask into the sea when starting from the carrier, cause there's no carrier around
  18. Hello! Is this campaign still on the works??
  19. That's it Kevin!! Thank's a lot!!
  20. Maybe this is the wrong place to post, but I can't post in the knowledge forum, so I post it here. How can I add ground objectives to a terrain?? I want to populate some airbases of the Israel Terrain, with static planes, trucks and maybe some more buildings, is possible?? Thank's
  21. http://wrench1smog.com/index.html Is that your page? Can't found the guide
  22. Hello! I want to create a new decal for a new countrie, how I can made it? What format, size and palette? And then how Can I save and use it?? Thank's! Attached, something similar to this
  23. Where I can see his products and buy them?

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