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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Deadly for choppers (I use a lot the Hind, so I deploy flares when approaching the target), If you're fast not too much a concern. Sometimes I got hit but not killed and that's very cool.
  2. Can't wait mate! Will the template be released together with the plane?
  3. Rio de La Plata terrains issues

    Alguien sabe el tieleset exacto que utiliza? Hay tiles que no me cuadran de color, por ejemplo los puentes sobre los ríos. Alguien tiene alguna petición especial para el mapa? alguna ciudad o algo por el estilo?
  4. Rio de La Plata terrains issues

    Altough not sure which terrain is the tileset exactly.
  5. Rio de La Plata terrains issues

    As a relax from the Soviet-Polish map I'm now adding roads and changing tiles on this.
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  8. Rio de La Plata terrains issues

    Que terreno??? Hay un terreno del Río de la Plata?
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  12. This U2 pilot is gonna have a very bad day deep inside the Motherland! Altought those hig alt interceptions are lot harder than in lower levels... And the missiles usually malfunction. Seems like a good chute, the comissars are gonne ba veeeeery happy.
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  14. Will fit perfectly MIG and Su interceptors! thanks for creating it.
  15. Thanks for the visibility distance trick, is a great finding!
  16. Pretty interesting, gonna try it. Any tip for proper distances?
  17. Is there any way to target ships at long distances? Usually the modern ships have far longer range than the ones the CTRL+E combo could provide. How you guys do it? closing to the target?
  18. Gkabs, do you think you should model over the pilot the harnesses of the seat?
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  20. Looks great!! Will be perfect for those U-2 intercepts!
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  22. Is really hard to land like that and not explode, good work, that pilot deserves a medal... Can I ask which gun got you? Mandatory screenshot, Interception over cold seas.
  23. Sorry for necroposting, but the Saunders Roe P.187 is too cool to not post it here... Love its look wonderng how the nose would look for landing.

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