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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Well, the Win10 update seems a reality, at least is something official from TK for SF2 after all this years.
  2. BTW, is always interesting to read about new MiG tactics against the Mirage III for 1966-73 timeframe.
  3. If for better engine you mean, solved bugs and new features like the ones I asked, I would vote for new engine any time. After all, I'm still flying Il2 1946.
  4. As Sophocles said, we need both. I will be more than happy with in flight refuelling and slewable avionics, maybe TK should release the source code and the instructions of how to use it. lol
  5. No not DCS Bis, I'm refering to the real bird, and our MiGs too.
  6. While searching for proper schemes for 1982 Bekaa 21Bis, I found this story, not sure is true, but at least is interesting. MiG-21 doing Pugachev Cobra ( shoudln't the engine flame??) https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/unknown-story-syrian-mig-21-pilot-who-developed-cobra-maneuver-72081 specially this part... Mohammed’s initial solution was based on Soviet manuals and consisted of rapid descending turns followed by a sudden activation of the afterburner and a climb. However, in the course of one of related test-flights, in early 1967, Mohammad inadvertently pitched the nose of his MiG too hard, so that the forward movement of his aircraft nearly stopped. When he engaged the afterburner his MiG ended ‘standing on its tail’, with the nose pointing almost vertically into the sky, on the verge of flipping out of control. Mohammad recovered on time to prevent a crash, but it was a close call: in order to prevent this from happening again, he decided to try flying the same manoeuvre after engaging the afterburner, so to enable the engine to spool up on time (the Tumansky R-11 was notorious for its slow reaction to throttle movement). That was the moment that what later became known as the ‘zero speed manoeuvre’ was born.
  7. Questions and answers from TK: [Q&A] Q. What happens if the funding goal isn't met? A. Not everything will be lost even if we don't make the funding goal. We do plan on securing the amount we're short by through other means (loans) and still get the Windows 10 update done at a later time (probably early next year). If we have to go this route however, the update will have to be a paid update and not free to everyone so we can at least recover part of the cost. It'll be free to only those who contributed to this and those who purchased the SF2 Complete Edition. Please note that this campaign is set as "Keep it all", meaning we keep all the contributions even if the funding goal isn't meat. Q. Can we add <xyz> features and fix <abc> bugs? A. We'd love to be able to do everything everyone is asking for, but unfortunately, all these take a lot of time and money. If you're expecting our games to have all the features from other AAA-quality games, then you'll be disappointed. Those games costs 10+ (some over 100+) million budget, and there is simply no way we can even come close to that with $100-500K budget we usually spend on our games. If we do make more than the funding goal, we'll have the contributors vote and decide on which features we should spend that extra amount on. Q. Are you going to continue to support the game? A. We wish we could continue to support the game forever, but again, these things takes a lot of money, and we simply can not afford to keep supporting old games for years and decades. This crowd funding goal is enough to pay for just 2 months of operation. In order for us to continue to support the game year after year, we need the community to continue to buy our games (and not just play them) year after year. Q. Isn't it better to do Strike Fighters 3? A. We'd love to be able to do SF3, but we're not ready to commit that much time and money to a new PC game at this point (we still haven't paid off the development cost of SF2NA). A completely new game would take us at least 5 years and cost us at at least 2 million. Plus, everyone expect post-release support for 10-20 additional years, easily doubling the cost. We just don't think we'll be able to raise that amount needed based on numbers we have. We'd love to be proven wrong on this, if this fund raising goes way better than expected, we can re-consider this in the future. Thank you!
  8. Pepelevs favorite fitter

    Is a interesting story, and a cool plane. Maybe one day will make its way to Sf2.
  9. I sent him a mail asking for more info, If he replies I will post the info.
  10. Sf2 community Discord https://discord.gg/6tVaEwx
  11. That's why I ask, shall we as a whole community ask TK to forget the Win10 update and use the money to fix bugs and add features?
  12. That's why I ask, we as a comunity, should ask for: A: bypass totally the Win10 upgrade as after all the game already works on win10 B: Use all the money to fix bugs and add features.
  13. Maybe we should tell him that everyone is using it in WIN10, so he can use ALL the money to add new features???
  14. TK ha montado un crowfunding

    TK el creador del juego ha colgado un crowfunding para ver si puede pasar el juego a Win10, y si se saca más dinero pues añadir algunas cosillas. Dejo el enlace por si alguien puede colaborar. https://fundrazr.com/31YZNe?ref=ab_2dek0lgdmy72dek0lgdmy7
  15. Is strange yes, specially the two weeks part, maybe we can try to ask for more time? Can be, but one can never be sure.
  16. Contributed, 110$, that's all I can pay right now, wish he can put more days on the campaign, I think is a bit short on time. Also shared in Facebook.

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