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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. We need to solve some issues with the air intake...
  2. Is possible to add Fake Pilot trucks, mules and deck crew?
  3. No idea If you're interested in Cold War machines, but a work on the A-6 Intruder avionics by you would be really amazing!!
  4. April 2020: VFA-14 Tophatters: Based on the USS John C. Stennis (CVN-74) navigating Gulf of Dhimar in multinational "Operation Dragonbreath". Our mission is to help Dhimar counter the increassing terrorist attacks, neighbouring Paran is in deep turmoil and there have been repeated attacks against border cities, some of them even including APC and targetting our troops in the ground. During early morning we got a call from USMC troops, codename Ravagers, while on foot patrol they got ambushed by enemy APC's and infantry squads in the market of the town.As QRA aircraft we are sent to deal with the threat and help the marines in the close quarters of the city. The bad guys... At the carrier deck We were launched with a heavy load, so we need to refuel on the way to the coast. After the refuel, we head to the coast, apporaching Moshak Marines are heavy pressed, and we start picking our targets in the streets of the city JDAM away. The USAF boys are heavy at work as well. Rifle: Shack! Our job is paying in gold, but we're getting fired as well. But now the enemy is in full retreat, the marines were able to disengage, and the help is on the way... Is now time to get back to the carrier. Circling... busy deck. And parked, time for some late breakfast. The mission was a total succes, killed 3 BTR60 and 2 BTR 152, the USAF killed some guys on the ground, so I got this... The mission was really fun, had to spend sometime designing it to have everything in place, but it was both fun and entertaining, and above all I felt like a real pilot in a close quarter situation. I aligned each shot to avoid hitting buildings in the ground, and tried to follow all the procedures I read on real operations books. SF2 still has some great potential! During the flight I palyed a real firefight between US troops and talibans, so it was more realistic trying to save those guys on the ground. Sorry for so much pics, hope you enjoyed.
  5. I'm on Win7 If that matters. But yes please, will like to try it.
  6. What I mean is that I dont need new 3d models. "Simply" arrange the existing 3d bushes, trees, houses, etc.
  7. What I need is a tool that can add, erase and rearrange the TOD files into a tile. I don't need to create new tods, simply being able to work on the existing TODs of a terrain.
  8. It seems that during the fall of Ceaucescu in 1989 Romanian fishbeds carried this grey scheme, cannot find any real life pic or the skin here, that's why I ask, maybe someone have it. Thanks.
  9. Don't know how to correct that problem, but the link you provided is not valid. Let me ask other moderators to see If they can help you.
  10. I wonder If one day we will be able to have a TOD editor... That's my dream.
  11. Adding brushed and new blocks is perhaps the hardest part. One that need the edition trough the TK Terrain Editor, as you need to edit the TOD files. Use of the TK editor is a thing I never mastwred so I cannot help you. We now have the TFD terrain editor by Gerwin, and that's an amazing tool, wish he and Mue could create a tool to edit the TOD files.
  12. Southwest Captain brings his Dad home

    Thanks for sharing it.
  13. That was helpful! Thanks a lot, back to my soviet carrier.
  14. I have been flying the 19SK what if mod lately, but sometimes it seems my wingman loves me too much as it collides with my aircraft as soon as he can catch me. It doesn't happen everytime, but fairly often, and spread out command does not have any effect. Any idea of how to solve it?
  15. Not possible to give the coordinates for the player, and keep the AI on their current position?
  16. Interesting, you think with those numbers you can start from a hardened bunker?
  17. Refuelling over the Adriatic to strike Serbian targets over Kosovo.
  18. Great job mate!! Congratulations!

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