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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Pretty interesting. The first PAcific Tide mod gave me the best WW2 Pacific action I ever had!
  2. Is great Russo! Possible to get a less metallic more grey paint?
  3. My hat off Allen, is always a pleasure when I open the forums and I discover you posted some screens, they tell a small story, and always have a nice composition, or things like the AAR missions you build. Congratulations! Mandatory screenie: VTOL SEAD.
  4. Tons of pics! Enjoy them! https://benzobak3.livejournal.com/1101.html
  5. Thanks for the pics Nightshade, those are great! This is a Lancer skin AFAIK, wondering If you could build the grey one too.
  6. Once I get back from holidays will download this and the needed mods! Cannot wait to try the seaplanes and flyingboats. Now I need to find a suitable Torpedo bomber ;) The Short 184 maybe...
  7. Let me talk with AngelP and see If we can release a beta.
  8. When taking off, the plane starts to rotate to the side slowly on the catapult. Is possible to keep the plane properly somehow?
  9. Using this post to ask my FM questions. - What I need to change in order to make faster pitch and roll on a helicopter? Currently it feels too heavy , slow to start and stop the roll/pitch, and want to make it more agile/responsive. - On same chopper, how can I add braking power to the aerobrakes so it slows a lot faster? Thanks a lot!!
  10. Outdated graphics?

    Sadly have to agree.
  11. Things in the 160 pipeline

    Still remember the flat airfields of first Moggy release of "Main body Sighted", how I loved those carriers!!
  12. Some 160 features to try

    Great pictures!!
  13. Thanks for this work Baff, is very interesting to read this kind of posts.
  14. A leak of the source code... wondering If we could benefit from it in order to fix long time bugs like external ECM not working, touching runway sound, or even adding more features like slewable EOS and A-G radar systems...
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  16. Seeing how the soviets loved the P-39/63, can you imagine a jet powered soviet P-39 against a japanese Kikka over the Kuriles? Über fun! If you complete that jet 39 I will add the needed skids to it so it can make belly landings.
  17. Love it! Can we get a D day strip skin?
  18. This Sabre is a bit cursed, so long hanging around and never finished...
  19. Flying a fun mod, high over Cuba. CIA ops during 1962...

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