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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. How I wish we could get a updated Su-25!!
  2. The GAZ 69 will be a very cool addition.
  3. Not available I think. But there are others that know better than me.
  4. Pepelevs favourite Fitter

    Very nice history, thanks for sharing.
  5. AFAIK AI pilots does not suffer from blackouts or problems with non powered ailerons.
  6. Reading about the F-16 use of the GPU-5 gun pod during Desert Storm, I discovered the pod used in the Fighting Falcons were more a spread weapon, a bit of spray and pray, more or less as a gun based cluster bomb, and they changed soon to regular cluster bombs. Is possible to add dispersion to the gun pod somehow? Thanks.
  7. So, is really possible? Never mixed with gungroup before.
  8. Thansk for trying it guys, at least I have a pretty decent A Viper for opening shots of DS.
  9. Yeah, just tried, it's worth the effort, thanks. BTW Is possible to have separate GPU and 20mm entries? So I can shoot one without shooting the other?
  10. Can you try to add weathering? Here's a layer for that. !!! Weathering Layer.psd
  11. Nice video you posted there guys, will really love to see this plane coming up.
  12. The parts you need to copy are the ones containing SKID A-29B_DATA.ini
  13. Not too much and improvement. Thanks for trying!
  14. I read about the causes, simply want to try to replicate the consequences. Thanks dtmdragon, will try and report back.
  15. Never released, will send the data.
  16. I added several contact points as false landing gears so the plane can belly land. EDIT: Those are called Skids.
  17. Love those weapons!!
  18. This vehicles are badly needed for early cold war. Good choice!!

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