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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. I expected that, but one can always belive in miracles lol
  2. While working on TFDTool a doubt assaulted me, as I need it for a flattening. Is possible to alter the heightmap 1 step at a time in place of 10 steps at a time? This way I can do all the squares the same value, now is almost impossible as each square starts at a different value.
  3. So it will be F-5A, RF-5A and maybe F-5B? Any chance of Skoshi Tigers skins?
  4. Small little fighter... How I wish we can get the Sophocles one, specially with the RF-A variant too.
  5. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  6. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  7. Everyone knows what happened next? Wondering If yellow numbers are possible on the Flagon...
  8. I will love a turretless variant too please!!
  9. New book, written by me.

    Would have loved to see it in english, anyway, good luck, and congratulations!!
  10. Outstanding pic! One of your best!! Mandatory pic, a MQ-9 departing an unknow airfiled in Ukraine to check Russian activities in the Donbass...
  11. I read the title and tought, another green danish bird, but then seen the two colours and really loved it! Good work mate!
  12. I reopened the original post, and issued the needed warnings. This will be the last time I permit this behaviour, will ban anyone that completely ignores original post and start your small, ridiculous flame war carried from simHq. This has been my home for the last years, enjoyed it a lot, made good friends, and will not tolerate anyone that want to broke the way it works. Everyone understood?
  13. Lock after receiving complains of derailing, will take a deep look on this, in some hours and reopen it, and proper actions will be taken If needed.
  14. Not requesting, simply wanted to show the cool Paraguayan Xavante!
  15. They posted three images of the new Syria map. https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3759594&postcount=112 Incirlick Ramat David And another one...

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