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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Quite and improvement, the acceleration is astonishing, and the auto flaps help quite a bit! Will keep testing. Wish we can add the ASO-2 flare dispenser, those Python are a 100% killers.
  2. Was fun to fight Angolan MiG-23 with this one. :)
  3. Cool concept, thanks for putting this here so I learned something new. And thanks to Spinners!
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  6. DCS: First pics of Syria map.

    Thanks for clarificating! I think a lot of people will bomb Beirut once the Viper is released.
  7. Menrva, Is possible to get the radio chatter back? Cause what I do for the FAC is to have a FAC plane orbiting nearby the battle and have a smoke column ground object on the ground marking the battle. Having the radio cahtter back can be epic!
  8. Excellent rendition! I love the more colorful one too, and great work on the others! Mandatory pic, WIP Donbass fighting...
  9. It was very fun and immersive, I really miss Snoopy and as you guys, will love to see him back... BTW, specially useful and fun for COIN missions like in Vietnam!
  10. Thanks for the link, love to learn this curious facts about aviation history. Maybe the drawing I posted is a bit colorized in order to be more attractive? On the drawing you can see the VA-34 markings on the tail not completely covered, so the blue is still visible, same for black numbers in the nose, and even the canopy is painted blue! Also the grey used is much darker so it gives the impression of being painted more crudely lol. Mandatory screen: Refugee extraction mission...
  11. Cool story and nice skins, didn't knew about that A4 role, where did you read about the Cuba part? I found this long long ago. Mandatory pic, early Super Sabres.
  12. Yes, as I love the P-38, I like every plane with such tail arrangement.
  13. I love it! Very long range escort fighter?
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  17. I agree in that, would love to see such an airfield.
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  19. European Air War in 2019

    Yes I am, I joined just in time for the great move from Frugals to SimHq.

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