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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Sorry for bringing this up, but can I as what happened with this? Looks like a worthy project, specially If we can get a Mi-17 variant. A pity we don't have the hability to open the cargo doors or load external cargo.
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  3. So is better to fight against NORMAL AI? Always used HARD enemies. NORMAL will decres SAM and AAA accuaracy too?
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  5. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  6. Maybe adding "elite" help from China and Russia?
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  8. At the second try... Mue tools helped a lot, but there's a thing that can be a problem. I think wingmen does not take off until you do, and in some airfields that will block the taxiway.
  9. I'm astonished! How you got all those plane in that busy airport?? I would really love a better COIN representation in SF2. Mandatory screen:
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  11. Time traveler, esta sección és en inglés y debes intentar al menos escribir en ese idoma, usa el traductor porfavor. Si tines alguna duda que no puedas expresar en inglés envíame un privado y yo te ayudo. This section is a english speaking section, and you must try to use this language, please usa a translator. If you have any problem you can use english for, please send me a PM and I will help you. Regarding Mue, is very easy to use, point the program to a terrain.ini and try some things, but first look at the Knowledge base to learn the basics.
  12. Guys please calm down. Getting mad is not good for any of you! I'm sure everything is a misunderstanding.
  13. Thats' the way it works in YAP so it works in edited missions, we're trying to replicate it in single missions and campaigns.
  14. I will try on the latest "range" terrain, as it has only two airfields. Following your post, If I place the offset position of the wingmen close enough to me, all the flight will be relatively close, right? It shouldn't be possible to have wingmen appear after 1 and 2 alreay took off? As in the aircraft carriers?
  15. Thanks a lot for the upload!
  16. Can you please explain a bit more about this? I will like to run some tests. With the Target Editor by Mue, is not that difficult to check a specific point, so I can try and see If it's worth the effort.
  17. Community, guys, is already divided enough. It's really sad to see this situation here in CA.
  18. And maybe editiong the spawn points? I mean the spawn point for the player while the wingmen keep the same spawn point.
  19. Equalizing the talibans... The receiving end... Remember this game?
  20. You made my day mate!! I'm thinking in a Afghanistan map...

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