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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. I agree, some ground targets moving around or even static on trenches or near the frontile would be a cool addition. And Yes, Romain Hugault is a great artist, and have a thing for colorful paintschemes lol Mandatory screenshot.
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  4. I erased my whole Effects folder and then extracted the original one and reinstalled, my effects, tracers, muzzle flashes, are back. Thanks guys! Castillac approves!
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  14. Will try this evening at home. Thanks. BTW Will you release Russian Nieuport 17's too?
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  17. I have proper entries, and installed Laon effects, but nothing, no muzzle flahses, no tracer. Really annoying!
  18. Still in the Game

    Welcome back and sure you will go trough all those problems! Stay well man!
  19. No idea of why, but my install does not have gun flahses or tracers, is that historical? Or is that I'm missing effects?
  20. I know "official" NATO loses acounts for Balklan campaigns. But anyone know where to see the Serbian claims for the campaign? I read some entries about Seriban Fulcrums shooting down F-16 in A-A combat, but cannot find it anymore. Thanks!
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  23. My pilot poses proud of himself and his team after my best ever flight on the Fishbed, we bagged 4 F-4N for no loses, 3 for me. The 21 is not a match against the Hornets and Vipers, but sure can stand his own against the Phantom.
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