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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Are you planning to give the observer a very low rate of fire gun?
  2. You should try a default campaign, maybe the edited campaign was broken.
  3. That's apliccable to objective ships too? Wondering how a player can play long range antiship missions using Soviet missiles...
  4. Falcon 4.0 today: The Campaign

    in BMS Flying the F-16, navigating and using A-A and A-G weapons is not that hard, even using the TGP can be learnt in some time. Guys, believe me, enter youtube, search for Krauzes tutorials and take pen and paper to annotate the more important things. You will be flying in no time!! BTW MiGBuster, I like your entries. Thanks for creating them!
  5. Hello all!So, my wife and I (34 and 35) are going to visit New York and Washington DC for 10 days starting next Thursday. I have big plans for places to visit, and my wife loves me so much that she agreed on visiting with me the USS Intrepid in New York together with the Smithsonian and the Steven Udvar-Hazy museum in Dulles airport (yipiii!). I’m wondering If someone can help us with tips and idea to improve our visit. Ideas of less known places to visit or restaurants to enjoy while in those cities, specially Washington as ther'es less info for tourists readily available.I have two main questions, first of all, to reach Times Square from JFK, is Air Train to Jamaica Station and then E line direction world trade center and leave at 42nd street station??And specially, which will be the best way to visit the Udvar-Hazy museum? Our hotel is on embassy row, just behind the White House. Should we take a taxi or is there cheaper ways to reach the museum and back? Cause it seems the museum is pretty far I think a taxi will be really expensive. Man I hope not to miss that museum, can't think other museums where one can see a P38, Hellcats, Corsairs and the mighty Thunderchief!Thanks guys! P.S. Renting a car is out of question, last thing I want to experiment is having a car crash in another country.
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  12. Amazing pic! I'm a fan of the Finback brute look, so here's a pic of it after a succesful sortie intercepting capitalist recon birds!
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  24. Nieuport 28

    Thanks for explaining this forgotten part of WW1 aviation.
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