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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. What the hell is wrong with me?

    Years ago, sims were games, in the meaning they were fun and had a mission for the player to complete, they made the player live the feeling of being there, now they're military sims completly soulless with amazing graphics and 0 immersion factor. 1992 Aces over the Pacific had a animated LSO!!! A feature never repeated on any other sim. 1995 Hind had animated mujahideens and soviet troops doing their things, the bastards will fall from the chopper If you fly with the doors open... In two words, soul and immersion. DCS is sterile as it can be.
  2. Sukhois

    Is not impatience, just curiosity. Real life always come first!!
  3. I can't found a Super Tucano for SF2, Marcelo had a WIP of the Tucano long ago but never released, wondering If is there a WIP for those Super Tucanos, will be great to fly it on SF2 attacking infantry on the jungle. Or maybe in Afghanistan?
  4. Amazing!! Will be able to use seaplanes on this map?
  5. Stratolaunch

    Interesting bird, or should I say whale? Anyway thanks MiGBuster for all the aviation news you bring here, I really apreciatte them.
  6. Will need info of what you did so ai ac replicate for the soviet bombs. Same for the effects.
  7. Oh totally forgot Malvinas!! IT's realism is top notch! While flying in low cloud cover is like being there!
  8. 1963 H21C Loading troops and supplies W.Germany

    Amazing pic, but it doesn't look like SF, have you used another sim for the terrain?
  9. Viggen vs Flagon

    Is a shame that SF2 is more oriented to dogfighting than interception, would have been a cool way to use planes like the F104, the Su-9 and 15, etc...
  10. Vietnam CombatAce version GermanyCE by Rends and Stary Desert4 by Piecemeal Korea by Wrench
  11. img00006

    From the album Stratos

  12. img00005

    From the album Stratos

  13. img00004

    From the album Stratos

  14. Strike Fighters 2 Lynx Argentino II

    Impressive work!!
  15. I expect to see the Super Tucano very late this year too.
  16. So, how can I convert a vehicle into a static object I can add into a terrain using Mue Target editor? Thanks!
  17. I can see my vehicles in mission editor and in game, but they not appear on Mue's Target Editor.
  18. Don't think so, is just eye candy I think. In this book, the author talk a lot about it's use in real combat, recommended reading.

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