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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. So 3 Black Hawks Flew Over My Neighborhood

    How lucky! Last year saw a Tiger chopper flying over my home escorting a couple of Pumas.
  2. Glad to see you around once more Dave!
  3. For example, YAP A-A refuelling was a engine that run with negative values for fuel consume, so in place of using fuel it gives more to the airplane.
  4. Again, TK stated that we can't do whatever we want with the SIM, od it to death, but we cannot share payware content trough the net.
  5. USCG Tamaroa, veteran of WW II & The Perfect Storm

    S! for the ship and the crew that served on it!
  6. Daddyairplanes amazing work! What are the chances of seeing a less detailed LOD working as a ground object for terrain editors?? Mandatory screen:
  7. unnamed

    From the album Stratos

  8. I'm getting this using the Stary Vietnam repaint, any idea of what's causing it and how to solve the problem? Thanks!!
  9. Title says it all, I will like to see the % of vector control on the little bottom left info lines together with the throttle, the height, speed, etc. the % of that value so I can fly Harriers and choppers better. I'm talking about thrust vectoring. Is possible?
  10. I'm interested in seeing in all aircraft as one more parameter of the external HUD.
  11. I like your choppers Yak!
  12. When you post this I tought, great a MB326 for SF!! Amazing, then I see the Il2 46 and my hopes go down.
  13. Armed Observers for FE

    Man how I wish we could get a better mission editor so I can try all this birds in ground attack!!
  14. Ravenclaw, I played almost all sims released since Aces of the Pacific, and your ones are the BEST WEAPONS I have ever seen WITHOUT ANY DOUBT!!!
  15. Thanks for sharing, pretty interesting article, will love to have such working device on SF, together with slewable radar and EOS.
  16. Maybe a FA-50?? Those guys are Argentinian and AFAIK Argentina just selected the KAI FA-50 as their attack/LIFT new plane.
  17. 17309958 1257284754362786 8116633508603353349 O

    Preicoso! No tengo ni idea del modelo de avión pero se ve grosso!!
  18. Think Logan got it too, If I knew that buying this will get SF3 on the way I will get it in no time, together with Ipad apps, but it seems is not the case.
  19. Does not the pods on the EA-18 Growler have an animated propellor?
  20. FE2 Mission Editor

    Cool editor, but one with the same habilities of the SF2 one would have been better. Design attack missions, patrols against two seaters, deep recon...
  21. FE2 Mission Editor

    That's why I ask to use the existing ME as a start point.
  22. FE2 Mission Editor

    I use it a lot, 95% of my time in SF is playing Mission Created missions. And I will play a lot more of FE2 If it had a Mission Editor.
  23. Please make a small review or tell your opinion, curious t see what TK is offering here. Wondering how many of us wll get a SP3 by 30 squids...

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