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Von Paulus

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Everything posted by Von Paulus

  1. Renamed oleacc.dll to oleaccold.dll. And... It worked. I was able to host a session. Good job hairyspin, Blacksheep-ghost03, Blackship and Tailwind. Now I would like to know from the devs if that oleacc.dll is really needed. EDIT: Tailwind should be warned that the problem with oleacc.dll is not only with Win7(64) but also with Win7 (32).
  2. Nope sitting_duck. Because I read the event viewer and the only error reported was with cfs3mp.exe and not with mfc70.dll. But I'll try later at night, just in case, and report here.
  3. Joysticks...

    For what I heard the Logitech G940 seems to be one of the choices. But it's very expansive.
  4. OFF Screenshots Video

    Good job UK. Only one problem. I didn't see a single Snipe.
  5. You can also order from Portugal. And it's the English, French, German, Italian and Spanish version: http://www.fnac.pt/p...t=5603625229761
  6. Rememberance Day

    The flowers left thick at nightfall in the wood This Eastertide call into mind the men, Now far from home, who, with their sweethearts, should Have gathered them and will do never again. - In Memoriam - Edward Thomas We will remember them
  7. New guy looking for OFF ?

    Hi Daver! Welcome to OFF! PACMAN by the end of the week, you'll not be the same person as you were tat the beginning. There is always an after and a before OFF.
  8. I'm sorry to say this but I have already done that, but it failed. At least I was not able to host a session. http://forum.combatace.com/topic/48844-windows-7/page__st__40__p__355517entry355517 However I'll check later the SP3 thing and the event viewer error (that I forgot to check when I CTD). But thanks for all the info hairyspin.
  9. 20 Years since the Wall came down

    I remember well that day. I wasn't believing that it was happening. For someone not German, like me, everything happened so quickly. This is a great site that I found a couple months ago: http://www.chronikde.../index_jsp.html
  10. My only criticism of BHaH

    QFT. Cordiality, matureness, respectful, friendship seems words that define well what is this community. I salute the devs and the community.
  11. My only criticism of BHaH

    Good to know that.
  12. Hurricane Ida

    Hope everything will be OK.
  13. My only criticism of BHaH

    Yes I do agree that's a immersion killer.
  14. Upgrade question - CPU & graphics card

    I understand uncleal. I also play in the Lottery... I too want a new rig, a Logitech G940, a TFT monitor (I still have a 19" CRT). But remember all the testings were done in 32bits.
  15. Windows 7

    Don't use the Sidewinder discs. At the end of the page there is a link to download the pack. You'll have to download it first and then follow the procedures. The pack has everything you need to install your joystick in Win7. I know it's a little tricky, but nothing that someone with low/average knowledge of computers can't do. I'm sure your son will be able to pull it through. It worked well with me. If you or your son have any doubts don't hesitate to ask. .
  16. Upgrade question - CPU & graphics card

    If XP is working well in your rig why change it?! I've only changed because, in personally I get better performance in some cases... And due to my line of work, unfortunately I've always have to be on the edge.
  17. Windows 7

    Try download and install DirectX End-User Runtime: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=2da43d38-db71-4c1b-bc6a-9b6652cd92a3
  18. Windows 7

    I know you're from England, but how is set you're regional settings and the non-unicode oprtion? How is the decimal symbol set? Is it for point?
  19. Windows 7

    I too have Microsoft Sidewinder Pro FFB. And is running in 7 with this: http://forums.creative.com/t5/Windows-Vista/Gameport-support-pack-for-Vista-32-bit-x86-updated-on-07-07-2009/m-p/386462 The only problem is that you loose the Force FeedBack, at least I haven't been able to configure it. M$ stop supporting its hardware along time ago. A shame.
  20. Upgrade question - CPU & graphics card

    I went with the pilot created for QC into campaign. Killed 3 Albatros D.V. and landed successfully. Then I choose QC in Workshop and selected another quick dogfighting, unfortunately my pilot died without being able to complete the mission successfully; so I could'nt go and try again campaign. But there was never a single error. Do you want me test anything more uncleal? I'll be glad (tomorrow) to help.
  21. Upgrade question - CPU & graphics card

    I've tried via Workshop. Follow the steps, selected Dogfiht, location, enemy and enter Flight. Killed a Albatros D.III and landed. Click in End mission, returned to QC and then Main Menu. Exit. I think it's working well, uncleal.
  22. Windows 7

    Actually I think you only need to have "run as administrator" ticked.

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