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Everything posted by crl848

  1. My Brute

    Good one. It's going to take me a few days to get there. BTW, are all the low level brutes abandoned creations that were too crap or whose owners weren't interested, or are they CPU-generated?
  2. My Brute

    I'm trying to get this guy PeaNessBreath, so far to no avail. Feel free to have a crack.
  3. Won't we lose a flyable like in the other SF2 iterations?
  4. My Brute

    I wasted a bit of time on this today!
  5. Ah, you've got to love the internet....NOT

    There was the time some genius at SimHQ laughed off my suggestion that TK might consider on-line distribution (this was way before the 3rdwire on-line store - back when there was a SimHQ SF community). He said something along the lines of "I am constantly amazed by the lack of business understanding of some people" and then said some nonsense about TK not wanting to offend his retailers by selling his sims over the net. I felt a bit bad about this considering the amount of money I had spent getting my MBA, but I let it slide. The guy was one of those hyperactive "meteor" posters who appear from nowhere, do 500 posts in a month and then disappear forever. I still laugh about that one.
  6. What song is this?

    CL, I like your choice of music ruled out. Sounds like we have a punk fan to go with the metal heads
  7. OT- U2 concert

    I enjoyed the comic relief spoof with Gervais and Bono. Here if you missed it.
  8. I'm ashamed to say that I bought it (version 4 I think) a few years back and never got into it. I need to fire it up again and see what the fuss is about.
  9. And she appears to be a redhead. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8046617.stm
  10. Really, the quality of this mod amazes me. It's a new experience for this series. Thanks to all the authors.
  11. They could make it more interesting than the original. Like some proper characterisation of Gibson, as the flawed character he really was.
  12. Well, it's on the heathrow flightpath so you can pretend every time you go on holiday (as long as you sit on the left hand side of the plane). BTW, I don't see much enthusiasm from the English members (are there any?) for this little project. One civil war enough for us
  13. OT in memory of my Father

    Amazing story. Thanks for sharing it with us.
  14. Mr Jelly created something exactly like that for the old SF1: see the downloads section. No doubt will need much work to work with SF2.
  15. OT Red Nose Day

    High ceilings then .
  16. OT Red Nose Day

    love the trousers on the door. Hanging space at a premium chez moi too.
  17. Woo, Vulcan 607 is one of my fave books AND I am a massive banana jet fan, so this has made my day.
  18. The Best Books

    A selection of Vietnam pilots' stories: The Heart of a Man: A Naval Pilot's Vietnam Diary by Frank Elkins: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Heart-Man-Naval-Pi...m/dp/1557502242 Pak 6 by Gene Basel: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Pak-Six-Story-Skie...5634&sr=1-1 Phantom over Vietnam by John Trotti: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Phantom-Over-Vietn...5667&sr=1-1 Over the Beach by Zalin Grant: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Over-Beach-Air-War.../ref=pd_sim_b_5 Bury Us Upside-down by Rick Newman & Don Shepherd: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Bury-Us-Upside-Dow...ref=pd_sim_b_13
  19. Turns out the autopilot thought it was landing at 2,000ft and turned the engines off. Surely there are redundant systems to prevent this happening? Pilot oversight of the autopilot? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7923782.stm
  20. UK People

    Isn't the beer in Ireland and England practically the same? Was last time I was in Dublin, except there's more choice on the ale front here.
  21. UK People

    Don't ask me, I just live here. Seriously, why not do one of those tourist open top buses, a good way to see the sights in a short time.
  22. Yeah, he seems to be saying that some people don't find the idea of aerial refueling fun. As I do. Refueling = ALT N to me.

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