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Everything posted by crl848

  1. England shuts down

    So, its snowing a little here and the country has shut down (at least the south east bit). I'm at home in my PJs playing the DS mod. You?
  2. England shuts down

    Surely the point is that we don't normally see this kind of weather in the UK. In fact it is the worst for 18 years. Hence we are unprepared. It could reasonably be considered a waste of resources to be geared up for massive snowfalls all the time when we hardly ever get them. Having lived in the middle of the continental US for a few years, I can tell you that I'm very happy to live somewhere warmed by the gulf stream despite our northern-ish latitudes. Now rain, that is something that we understand!
  3. Christian Bale (A$$hole)

    The saga continues: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/21/20090206/tuk-b...nt-6323e80.html
  4. Christian Bale (A$$hole)

    I heard Michael Winner interviewed on Radio 4 this morning, and he fully supported Bale's reaction and said that he would have done the same thing. For what it's worth
  5. England shuts down

    Here in London we've had about 5 inches or more of snow judging by the view out of the window. No buses, schools and businesses closed...
  6. What can we say except thanks. I look forward to adding the banana jet if and when she makes an appearance (not a demand).
  7. I've followed your instructions in the KB for SF2 campaign modding, but using the cat extractor is driving me mad. It says that the files have been extracted but I can't find them anywhere. Trying to repeat the process, the program tells me that the folder already exists. You mentioned this problem, i.e. the files appearing in random locations that you had to search for. Whereabouts do you think they could be or have I done something wrong? Thanks.
  8. Try here filo mou. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...mp;#entry239303
  9. Each to his own, but I like to have it on all the time for immersion.
  10. I know, that is what I am referring to. Pfunk says that the cat extractor puts the extracted files in odd places sometimes. "Now, it SHOULD put a new folder in your Terrain/Desert folder, labeled, 'Desert'. I noticed that it's been putting mine into some pretty obscure places and I don't know how the hell that happened. You may have to end up hunting for this damn thing. I know I did." In my experience I can't find them at all even after searching the hard drive so I'm looking for hints as to where they have got to or if I'm doing something else wrong.
  11. Yes, this is the real problem with carrier landings in this sim. Most planes' POV is too low when you are at the correct AOA for landing, so you can't see the deck or any mirror sight arrangement. You can change this in the inis but the gunsight moves off the glass and the effect is weird for normal flight. The only plane I've ever found with a reasonable POV both for landing and general flight is the Mirage Factory F-14.
  12. Yet another slap in the face for realism in the 3rdwire series. When oh when will we get what we demand and deserve? We demand balls! Now to spam other forums with this message...
  13. Digging A New Beer...

    Newkie Broon reminds me of being a teenager. Haven't touched the stuff since. The best beer around here is Fullers' London Pride, though my stint in the US had me partial to Sierra Nevada Pale Ale and Anchor Steam.
  14. Rainbow

    Ah, great memories. Some of us are old enough to have watched it as children (not this episode, of course). On a similar note, it appears that Tintin was gay all along. http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol...icle5461005.ece
  15. Does the "Crisis" affected you (or your country) yet?

    I read an article in the papers this morning that Polish people are now leaving the UK en-masse due to the economic downturn. P.S. anyone with a pension has been ever so slightly affected by the huge drop in asset prices. Best not to look at the statements or retire in the near future.
  16. RAF at 90 TV prog on Last Night

    Was it good? I tuned in for 2 mins and it didn't grab me.
  17. Good job done on the flight model of the single seaters. Too much Gs = stall. I struggle to get it to spin, and a quick forward push on the stick usually gets me back into flying trim. Still, makes you somewhat careful about hauling on the stick. I find that the more difficult planes to fly are more satisfying - I rarely fly the F-16 or F-15. Plus I like the landing parachute on the Voodoo, the other early planes kind of miss that. Trouble with the Voodoo, in all variants, is that it is a little useless. Bombing with one large conventional or nuke gets old after a while, and I got bored of the (equally excellent) F-106 when shooting down bombers - interceptor missions are not my cup of tea. And recon? Don't get me started. Dogfights may be unrealistic but they are fun, at least that's my opinion. Overall, what's not to like? Well done to the Voodoo guys.
  18. Great effort! This may be seen as super-nitpicking, but the oxygen mask on the pilot looks to me like a modern US MBU 20/p combat-edge type, and the correct UK pilot from 1982 would have worn a P or Q-type UK mask. Both have hoses to the left side of the mask, so the MBU 20/p is a fairly good match from a distance, but looks wrong close-up. See: http://www.gentexcorp.com/default.aspx?pageid=227 and http://www.flightgear.dk/rafhelmets.htm Sorry, I'm a flight gear buff
  19. Break up of United States?

    Lessons from history: I was trying to explain to my 4 year old the other day, why Britain doesn't have a space programme but the US, Russia, China and India do. I told him that 100 years ago, we would have had one if it had been possible but not now, we are too poor.
  20. Creating cockpits

    Good luck with that. There's a reason that there are more planes than cockpits in this sim, I'm afraid.
  21. Why I dislike the new James Bond movie

    What I didn't like about QoS was that you had to remember what happened in Casino Royale to make sense of the "plot". Aren't they trying to emulate the Bourne franchise at the moment?
  22. Loved Tornado. Played it all the time at uni when supposed to be studying.
  23. What about the Bowie/Crosby 1977 special?

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