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Everything posted by crl848

  1. History Channel Foibles

    Isn't that an LP? Good ol' Neil. I once had to walk out of a gig of his during the encore. He broke the venue curfew and I had to get to bed in time for an early work start the next day.
  2. Great, I always liked that one. JSF Aggie has done some excellent mods.
  3. All I can say is, wow.
  4. Any FSX pilots here?

    I generally use it to fly helicopters as these are not so good in the SF series. I used to do a lot of carrier ops in FS, but haven't recently & don't have Acceleration. I suppose the biggest improvement is moving carriers?
  5. Worth it at that price I would have thought. Front cockpit looks reasonably complete. Already mounted on trailer. I have 2 cockpits and transporting them is the major cost/problem.
  6. I'm flying one as we speak. It is the default SFP1 for me. Look forward to any updates.
  7. I've learnt not to think about it.
  8. WAMU Fails

    N.B. I'm not American, nor is this a political comment. But I hope this does not spook congress into passing the bank bail-out without adding all the tax-payer protections that have been discussed. That really would be un-American.
  9. I remember from one of Paul Gillcrist's books, he mentions doing this when the carrier was making its own wind (steaming fast) to compensate for a lack of real wind. As you say, this seems to happen in the sim most of the time. Makes life more interesting!
  10. You need to do it the realistic way with a proper pattern approach. Fly past the carrier on its heading, then as you pass it put the speedbrakes out and initiate a 180 degree turn to port onto the downwind leg at about 1000 ft. At the appropriate speed, lower gear, hook and flaps. As you pass the LSO platform (or the stern of the carrier), start another 180 degree turn to port onto finals. Not too high a descent rate so that you can intercept a reasonable glide slope (one where you can see the carrier without pointing the nose down - say 800 ft above the water). Cross the wake and line up with the centre line on the flight deck. You may have to point at the starboard side of the deck to adjust for the wind over the deck pushing you to port. When you are in the groove (on centre line and glide slope), "call the ball" for realism. Say, to no one in particular, "[sidenumber], Gator Ball [Gator = nickname for Crusader], [fuel remaining]". Maintain landing attitude and use throttle to keep the sight picture of the flight deck and stay on glide slope. Touch down and catch a 3 wire, hook up and power across the foul line. Job done.
  11. One thing I noticed is that the F-4 rudder now responds correctly - i.e. you roll in the direction of the yaw input, instead of opposite, at low AOA (high AOA was correct already). Which is nice.
  12. Sept 11th 2001

  13. F!*&!# Amazing

    That close formation in the F-4 vid pilot's POV: makes me sweat just to watch it.
  14. And here we go...

    I just heard the LHC being switched on on the radio, and I can confirm that the world didn't end. Yet.
  15. Looking for a good book...

    Pak 6 by GI Basel.
  16. And here we go...

    You said it. I heard Stephen Hawking on the radio this morning, and he apparently doesn't want them to find the Higgs Boson, as this indicate that there is a problem with the standard model and this will stimulate more debate and research. http://news.bbc.co.uk/today/hi/today/newsi...000/7598686.stm
  17. Tflash, just out of interest are you the same tflash posting in the SIMHQ thread on trim?
  18. My first trip to the UK....

    I saw a couple of F-15s turning & burning near the pattern at Lakenheath on Monday while I was biking in Thetford forest. But then that's not unusual for that part of the world.
  19. My first trip to the UK....

    Also consider the Science Museum in South Kensington, central London. It has the prototype Harrier, the Supermarine S6B seaplane and the Schneider trophy if I remember correctly. http://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/visitmuseu...ies/flight.aspx On the off chance that you are in the North West near Birmingham, definitely go to Cosford which has masses of experimental and cold war types. http://www.rafmuseum.org.uk/cosford/
  20. Hi everyone, I just installed a demo of this Shuttle sim from the latest PC Pilot magazine. Looks fun for dedicated switch flickers Available here: http://www.space-shuttle-mission.com/index.html Avsim review here: http://www.avsim.com/pages/0408/SSM/Shuttle.htm
  21. Cheers to our UK friends!

    Glad you had fun in my home town! Next time try the horseguards change, it is more fun & intimate than Buck House. My kids love it. Actually I've been doing more touristy things with the family this summer, it is more fun than it looks. Funny how you live in a place and never see the sights?
  22. Get your trim here: http://www.simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?...481&fpart=1

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