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Everything posted by rjw

  1. One other link you might find useful. There is reference to the "Flight" assignments in this link: http://www.manitobamilitaryaviationmuseum.com/PDF/419Squadron.pdf
  2. The following are Canadian Squadron's but may be useful to you! Hpe it helps Try this link: www.canadianwings.com/Shop/products.php?cat=41
  3. Please!! Somebody tell me that someone makes a miniature twisty stick with throttle that I can take on the road with me. I'm going through frustration and withdrawl trying to fly off by the keyboard!!! I can't fit my sidewinder FFB into my travel bag cause it's too big!!!
  4. What I need!

    Thanks to Salvo2 and Burning Beard for your response. It is appreciated
  5. I have two questions related to the "PilotDossier.txt" files in OFF. 1) does anyone have a description map for each line entry in the file. 2) does anyone know why the following would happen: When I change the assigned aircraft from Halb_DII_QC1 Spare Halberstadt DII to AlbDIII_QC1 Spare Albatros DIII The file reverts back to the Halb when OFF starts. It would appear the entries are being over written and I would like to know why and how. If anyone is familiar with the operation of these files any help with this would be appreciated. Best Regards
  6. Aye! and me too! I can almost feel the chill from the flight suit! Me thinks there might be an Author lurking in the OFF Forums!!!
  7. OlPaint; Ditto that from Canada. Don't know why they restricted the Americas on the Video!
  8. What I need!

    Thanks folks, for all the responses. I really appreciate it. The Speedlink and the Cytech PS38 cybrog would work fine if they are in fact takedown models. I really only need throttle and trigger on a twisty stick. I can take my TrackIR for views, no problem. I will check both sticks out in detail. Thanks again
  9. Thanks for the insight! Great detail provided in your post!! I for one appreciate it. I have always taken interest in the southwest anasazi cuture, although one other interest is much closer to where you just worked. "The mound builders" who's culture spanned from 3400BC to the 16th century. Rather than try to elucidate here I would refer to Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mound_builder_(people) for a summary. I find that culture very intriguing partly because very little is really known about it in comparison to other indiginous people of North America.
  10. Triple monitors

    Ah; Maybe a rear view mirrot to check your six when the wife sneaks up on you would be better!!! Excuse my humour!!!
  11. I know the boys in the RFC were able to take their Camels well above 15,000 but I can't seem to coax my Camel above 10,000 even when I lean out the mixture. Is this a limitation in OFF or am I doing something wrong here? Regards to all OOPS! I meant to post this in the Help section!
  12. My cd arrived today

    Hello Eric; I just finished reading all the posts in this Topic and very much appreciated you sharing your experiences with your grand father. Very few veterans like to talk about their experiences in the wars and to have a relative willing to talk with you about it is very special. You are a very lucky man to have had your grand father share his experiences with you. I also welcome you to the Forum. There is little I can say that has not already been conveyed to you in these posts. I will say that I agree with the recommendation that when time permits you make an attempt to read your grand fathers diaries as I think you will find them very inciteful. All the best and enjoy the sim because there is in my opinion no better one out there for all it offers. Robert Wiggins
  13. Oltham, I understand that and my comments were directed more to Polovsky not to you. Members like you make every effort to aid the improvement of the Development Team and I'm sure they understand and respect that. I merely wanted to say Thanks to Polovsky for spending the time to consider input like yours in a constructive way. As I said before, very few Sims provide the kind of support that he OFF team has done and I for one really app;reciate it. I'm wanting to believe that the development of P4 is more than partly due to constructive criticism by experienced memberfs. Best Regards
  14. OFF 2 Fighting Fund

    Gee! I'd put my two cents worth in too if my wife hadn't cleaned out my pockets just before doing the wash! Darn, Will I ever learn!!!
  15. Polovski; I for one appreciate your time spent in responding to these constructive e-mails. There are very few sims out there that provide support of this nature so thank you very much. Best Regards, and thanks again!
  16. Hi Redpiano; I'm not sure I understand your term "average altitude". There are three radial buttons in the workshop screen under the heading "Player Flight Altitude" These buttons are as follows: High up to 18,000 Medium up to 10,000 Low up to 3000 If you are not referring to the above, then please elaborate. Best Regards;
  17. Hi Lou; I tried out your suggestion today and made some headway (or should I say altitude!). I followed your instructions as best I could since I used my force feedback for throttle and not manual keypad. I didn't notice so much of an effect in throttle cut back as I did by reducing mixture as I made altitude in order to smooth out the engine. From 10,000 ft to 12,300 feet my rate of climb was 100ft per 16 seconds wrist watch time at airspeed of 50 with pitch of approx 9.50 to 9.70 From 12,300 ft to 13,000 feet my rate of climb was 100ft per 20 to 25 seconds wrist watch time at airspeed of 70 with pitch of approx 9.25 to 9.40 At this point I had to terminate the exercise due to personal time constraints but I was still climbing, albeit very slowly. I can't imagine trying this during a mission or I would be there all day. I think I'll restrict my AI to 10,000 as was suggested. As you said, it's very tedious and handling is very touchy.
  18. Lou, Thanks for your response. I am going to experiment with your suggestions to see what Ican achieve. Do you know if this was typical of the real aircraft, or just a modeling issue in OFF? All the Best! Cheerio!
  19. Hi Oltham; In answer to your question it means that the exchange rates are comparable and that the cost of the book is about the same in both countries. These are regular prices, not discounts. I hope I am explaining this clearly for you. Best Regards;
  20. Ok Shiloh; I tried setting the the altitude to "High" in the workshop and then went to quick combat with a Camel setting the altitude to 15000 at startup. As soon as the sim started I experienced engine cut out so I cut back the mixture about 20 clicks with "CTRL -" key combinations to no avail. The engine continued to cut out until I reached 10,000. I was able to coach it back up to 10,600 before I lost all forward speed and could not maintain any forward motion even in level flight. Can anyone shed any light on what I need to do to gain the altitude above 10,600. I have tried working the mixture up to richer settings and also reducing to no significant effect. The best I could achieve in altitude was with the 20 clicks reduction in normal mixture settings at ground level. Best Regards;
  21. Thanks for your reply Olham. The conversion from $34.99 canadian to Euro is as of today 26.67 so the price on Amazon is in the ballpark. Today I just picked up "The Black Flight" The memoir of Raymond Collishaw, published by CEF Books (2008) in Soft cover which currently sells for $26.94 Canadian. There is a militaria / Used and new book store near me called "The Grenadier" which is a fantastic resource for old and rare militaria books. The web site is www.grenadiermilitaria.com. You might enjoy checking it out.
  22. Bandicam V Fraps

    In response to your ?: You may be correct, but I know that if you promote others to use the facility they up your limit for each individual you add and this applies to the individual as well. I happened to inherit my limit due to participation with other users. In summary, the more who share, the more space u get! The only draw back is that in busy times I think the uploads may be throttled somewhat. I haven't confirmed this but suspect it. 1.5 gig file upload took approx 5 hours on a busy saturday afternoon so if u are in a hurry this could be an issue but for me it typically isn't. Hope that helps
  23. Shiloh; Thanks for the tip. I just never thought to look at that. Do you know if the workshop settings will apply equally to all aircraft or will each aircraft have it's own limits?
  24. Hi Folks; Now that Historical Books are being discussed, specifically "Flying Fury", I was wondering if anyone has seen the hardcopy of "William Barker VC" by "John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd". The Author is Wayne Ralph. It is generally available in the "Chapters" book stores in Canada. It lists for $34.99 Canadian / $28.95 US 18.99 pounds UK. I'm curious to know if it is available in other countries. Regards to all
  25. Well, may I put my two cents worth in here? I for one do not have any problems with the sound! My wife won't let me turn the volume up enough to enjoy it!!:lol: I wait patiently until she goes on a shopping spree and then I have my fun at the stick!!! Best Regards;

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