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Everything posted by rjw

  1. Bandicam V Fraps

    Some interesting observations Hellshade! I have recently discovered another tool which is very useful in sharing large files with other people. You may already be aware of it. It is called "DropBox". It initially gives you 2 gig of space for sharing for free. It is a cloud sharing interface which allows you to set up directories and sharing options on your computer which are then emulated on a cloud server which is freeware based. You can then give users access to these cloud directories and contents. Any time you drop a file in one of the directories on your computer it is immediately uploaded to the corresponding directory on the cloud. Any user who has access and is running DropBox immediately has the file downloaded into his corresponding directory for access. Once you set it up you can basically forget about file handling and just drop files into your folders on your computer. Best Regards;
  2. Bandicam V Fraps

    Thanks for your testing and reporting back!! I didn't want to purchase another product and wasn't sure the free ware version would be as good as the purchased version. Oh I'm Billy Muggins, Commonly know as the Juggins! Silly Billy That's what my pals call me!! I'm quite content With my little lot I'm satisfied With the Huns I ain't shot For I'm silly Billy And that's what I'll always be! Cherrio!
  3. Faces High

    Nothing like a good British pint to put things right!!!
  4. Bandicam V Fraps

    Greetings Widowmaker!! I currently use Fraps and just received an upgrade to V3.4.7, Build 13808. I found that the latest Fraps has a considerable improvement in quality over the past version. Can I assume we are comparing Bandicam to this veresion? Best Regards;
  5. Another close Shave

    Amazing you kept your upper wing!!
  6. I hear you loud and clear. That being said there are times when I would like to try some tailoring. I guess if a map of the files was available and the default settings defined, it would be easy to reset any altered files. Would you concur with that? It would eliminate uneducated changes that might be attempted in experimentation. Best Regards
  7. In the tutorial by "Gous" Chapter 2, it says "First, go to Layer tab and create a new Layer and press Ok". My editor is Paint Shop Pro version X2. and when I create a new layer I have to choose one of the following: Raster, Vector, ArtMedia, Group, Mask, or Adjustment. Just what type of layer should I be choosing since the tutorial doesn't define one. Best Regards;
  8. I just finished reading The Secret Great War Diary of Jack Martin Published by Bloomsbury in England. Richard Van Emden wrote the Introduction and did the Editing. The book covers his service from 17th September 1916 to 3rd February 1919. It is an amazing read and unencumbered in any way by the editor. You feel that you just found his diaries and are reading them first hand. This is a must read for any historian of the Great War for insight into the enlisted mans experience! I live in Ontario Canada and found this book at Chapters book store on sale for $7.99 (It is 272 pages in length with 4 photo plates in the middle) Extract from the front sleeve: Albert John (Jack) Martin was a 31 year old Admiralty clerk when he was called up into the army in early 1916. Throughout his service with the Royal Engineers (the Sappers), he wrote in secret because men at the front wee forbidden to keep diaries. When he returned home he told no one about them. Bundled up in the attic, they remained undiscovered until his grandson came across them in 1999. Written in a clear, elogant, often humorous style, Jack Martinès diary reveals a distinctive and compelling mind, presenting the reality of war with heartbreaking clarity. From his arrival in France during the Battle of the Somme, through the onslaughts at Messines and Ypres and the German offensive of 1918, to the Armistice, we see the Great War as it was lived and fought by the ordinary Tommy. Martin describes the reality of life at the front - the ever-present fear of death, the lonliness, and the appalling conditions in which the men lived and died - but also the support of friends and joy at the arrival of parcels from loved ones at home. Through it all, Martin maintains an extraordinary hamanity and tranquility of spirit, underpinned by a wry humour. Best Regards;
  9. Olthan you are correct on both accounts The title is "Sapper Martin" and I agree with you regarding origin of name Richard van Emden. I do feel that this book is a great read since it truly reflect the emotional mind set of the author. Have a great day
  10. ETA for phase 4?

    Hey Oltham!! Would that be November 2018!!!! :rofl:
  11. I have been pondering this issue for some time and can't seem to understand how the devs built P3 and now P4 without detailed knowledge of the dossier files. Does that make sense to anyone? If there is some knowledge on this file type, who would have it or who could I request it from? Don't get me wrong, this is not a criticism, just a search for knowledge and understanding! Besst Regards;
  12. I see quite a few have read this post! Has anyone else read the book?
  13. ETA for phase 4?

    Carrick; It's kind of like trying to hit the lottery number!!! I'll take my birthday JUly 10th! Maybe we should start a lottery post and the winner gets a virtual beer from each of us! Now that would be a DRUNK, wouldn't it !! Cheers to all!!
  14. Olham; After discovering your post on the Graphics setup sticky, I implemented your detailed description and discovered a whole new wonderful world of immersion in OFF. It prompted me to recall how many of your efforts have aided me in the recent past, so I Just want to express my thanks for the many things you have done that have helped me in discovering the wonders under the sheets of OFF. Without all the gifts of help you have left on this board, I would probably still be in the dark as to the full capabilities of OFF. On behalf of my self and I'm sure of many of the members of the OFF board, I wish to thank you for all your contributions and assistance. And I hope all this praise doesn't go to your head and fog your reaction time during an OFF combat mission!! Best Regards; :good:
  15. William Avery Bishop

    See Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy_Bishop
  16. William Avery Bishop

    From the album WWI Canadian Aces

    Awards: VC, DSO, MC, CB, DFC, ED, CdeG avec Palme, Legion D'Honneur
  17. RFC Canadian Airmen

    WW1 Canadian Air Aces Tallies Airman, Kills, History link 1 Bishop, William Avery 72 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy_Bishop 2 Collishaw, Raymond 60 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raymond_Collishaw 3 MacLaren, Donald Roderick 54 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_MacLaren 4 Barker, William George 50 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_George_Barker 5 Atkey, Alfred Clayburn 38 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Atkey 6 Claxton, William Gordon 37 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Gordon_Claxton 7 Fall, Joseph Stewart Temple 36 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Stewart_Temple_Fall 8 McCall, Frederick Robert Gordon 35 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick_McCall 9 Quigley, Frank Granger 33 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Granger_Quigley 10 McKeever, Andrew Edward 31 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Edward_McKeever 11 Carter, Albert Desbrisay 28 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Desbrisay_Carter 12 Hoidge, Reginald Theodore Carlos 28 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reginald_Hoidge 13 McEwen, Clifford Mackay 27 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clifford_McEwen 14 Soden, Frank Ormond 27 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Ormond_Soden 15 Whealy, Arthur Treloar 27 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Whealy Supplementary Link to list of Canadian Air Aces: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_World_War_I_aces_from_Canada
  18. William George Barker

    See Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_George_Barker
  19. William George Barker

    From the album WWI Canadian Aces

    Awqrds: VC, DSO, MC, CdeG, Star of Valour(It)
  20. Raymond Collishaw

    See Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raymond_Collishaw
  21. Raymond Collishaw

    From the album WWI Canadian Aces

    Awards: DSO, OBE, DSC, DFC, CdeG, Order of St. Anne 2 cl, Order of St. Stanislas 2 cl, Order of St. Vladimir 4 d
  22. Arthur Roy Brown

    See Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roy_Brown_(RAF_officer)
  23. Arthur Roy Brown

    From the album WWI Canadian Aces

    Awards: DSC
  24. Well done Oltham!!! Nice piece of research to go with the written history! I think it should be added to the Historical Archive on the OFF Forum. Cudos to you! :good:

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