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Posts posted by rjw

  1. I have seen photos of Eduard Ritter von Schleich, were his face/tan is dark as a Tuareg.

    There could be two good reasons for that:

    1. the sun was not behind the photographer, but was rather hitting the lense from slightly forward left or right

    2. the pilot may have been one of those people, who get a pretty dark tan in summer (usually dark-haired guys)


    There would bwe a third good reason, but it's naughty to assume that:

    - when the guy was drinking too much and constantly had a red face from that

    (I had this suspicion from several Berthold photos)


    It's difficult to tell from the photo, what time of year it is. If it was late summer to early winter, a tan would be quite possible and probable.

    Just compare his complexion with the man behind him and you will see that they are quite similar in my altered photo.


    I do agree that the sun angle is at play here and your suggestion is quite plausible as confirmed by the location of the shadows on his face, and the light flare on the far right where it shows in his coat flaps.


    Good observation (Sherlock)Olham!

  2. Von Baur;


    For reasons only known to you, you felt compelled to share a very personal aspect of your life and we are all the richer for it! Your post caused me to reflect on my own life and I'm sure it affected others in a positive way as well. I share your grief as I have been there too many times with different members of my family. My thoughts are with you, and thank you very much for your reflection.


    Best Wishes

  3. The documentation installed alongside the JSGME mod folder indicates the version.




    When I install the dowloaded files, the documentation does not get installed in the specific JSGME mod folder. It never has for any of the mod folders. It does show up in the high level MODS folder but would be better placed in the specific folder for that mod that it applies to and would be replaced with every further update, otherwise every update change results in mutiple levels of documentation all lumped under the "MODS" high level folder which is very messy.

  4. I figured it is about that time to foist (love that word!) another update of my FM on the unsuspecting public, so here it is: the HPW FM and EW Campaign Mod 4.0.0 is now ready and waiting to be approved for download by the admins. This is a major update of my FM and I encourage everyone to try it out at least once. You will either be able to download and install it either as a stand-alone mod, or, using Lothar's handy self-installer, in conjunction with Lothar's OFFice and OFFbase programs.


    Here are some excerpts from the readme file which explain some of the major changes to the FM in my new update:






    Please note that this update only includes updates to the FM and empty weight of campaign aircraft. While all QC aircraft get the FM update, the empty weight values are the same for both human and AI aircraft. If there is a great clamoring for an update to the Quick Battle aircraft, I will consider it, but right now I want to sit back and take a bit of a rest!


    Here is the link for the new and improved FM: http://combatace.com...and-qc-battles/




    I downloaded the mod last night and it ran fine, but may I make a suggestion that you append the designation 4.0 to the folder name so people will be able to know what version they are looking at in the JSGME mod. Have a great day.

  5. Looks like HQ is down. Just got the following when I tried to reach it:


    UBB Message

    We encountered a problem. The reason reported was



    SQL Error: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)

    Please verify that your MySQL server is running

    SQL Error #: 2002

    Query: Unable to connect to the database!


    Please click back to return to the previous page.



  6. January is definitely too long. How could they make the month after Xmas 31 days long?!?

    The money is out since Xmas, the winter grey seems even worse, and everyone is either

    still Xhausted, or out jogging the weight off.

    Only the devs have their warm little rooms, in which they sit over WOFF and forget the

    rest of the world. Or so it seems...





    See then tumbling down!

    Pledging their love to the ground!

    Lonely but free I'll be found,

    Drifting along with a tumbling tumbleweed!



  7. .


    Good on you Olham! Yes, with age should come a certain amount of modesty, and more for some of us than others, (me being among the 'some'). And interesting that you should mention outerwear. My reward to myself when I hit my goal this year, (apart from the leaner me), will be a new A-2 leather flight jacket. And a good quality one too, not one of those cheap knock-offs. :smile:




    Oh why settle for that when you could wear a speedo on the beach!!! :biggrin:

  8. Workshops...bottom half of the screen..."Other Options" at the bottom of the third column...you can choose between Unique Player Skins or Fuel and Bullet Loadout; you've chosen Skins, which nullifies the loadout option. I couldn't say where it shows up if it's enabled because I, too, choose the skins.


    If memory serves (and it may not) I think I remeber reading that WOFF will allow both.


    Many thanks, I must be getting old age symptoms. I should have caught that. Lack of due diligence on my part!

  9. Warping seems to mess up the fuel measuring.

    I only have experience with the effects of fuel weight. I used to put only 50% or even 30% fuel

    into my Albatros, and it felt and performed that much lighter and better.




    How and where to you apply fuel loading if not directly in the flight model. Am I missing something in OFF P3 where you can specify fuel loading. All I see is an option to load bombs or rockets.


    Best Regards;

  10. breifing room.......150 mi round trip....I load 100%fuel which is supposed to be 175 mi good to go........... and arrive back with 65% fuel left??? OK.....load 25% fuel...good for a 100mi round trip and still arrive home w/ fuel to spare after a 175mi rt mission. I use warp.........which I guess must skews the values and have noticed after landing that the fuel remaining is reducing fast on the info screen...before the mission complete screen takes over and locks out. I've never noticed any aircraft peformance changes whether or not I have full fuel or less...and would love to see this factored in w/ w4. Maybe it's the warp thing that skews the curve but I know I'm not the only one that hasn't time to fly real time....anybody else????

    Hi Gaw;


    Interesting Point, I never looked at this before. I use warp very often so I guess you just gave me a heads up. Tnx

  11. I haven't had a chance to check the skin problem recently, but I would assume it is the same as before: after starting your campaign mission with your aircraft on the ground (or in the air if you chose air start), end your mission and exit to the main OFF menu. Click on Campaign and then click "Fly Last Mission." Ace skins and modded skins should now appear.


    As long as you fly the same campaign and do not exit the game entirely you shouldn't have to do the entire process over again. Next mission, simply fly as normal without ending the mission and restarting. Of course, if you switch pilots or campaigns, or exit OFF entirely you need to repeat the process over again.


    This suggestion usually results in an increase in number of flights made and hours total for a pilot which is undesirable to have in the pilot log. I'm not sure if this will be reflected in the OFFbase statistics either. Is there some way to prevent this skins problem in a future release?


    Best Regards;

  12. Funny coincidence - I just found this website with a great diorama of Jasta 5 at Boistrancourt.

    They have built a really good model of the airfield here!

    I personally don't believe the mauve on the wings is correct (Arrgh!), and the wall behind the

    hangars was much higher, but apart from that I think they have done a great job!




    Yes very nice Diorama and I see your point about the fence. It is clearly too short.


    Yes I also was a member of PMCI in Toronto, Ontario, Canada for a number of years...specialized in WWII armour (mostly German). Gave me lots of pleasure. Sill have some kits unbuilt which I keep saying I need to tackle. (Someday!!).


    Best Regards;

  13. Robert, my source was one of the many WW1 field maps from the archives

    of the McMaster University, California. They have scanned all these maps

    and made them available for everyone - you can zoom in until 100 %, and

    there is a lot to find! Here is the link - click on maps:






    Thanks for that link it is also excellent. I edited my last post with some further info for you.

  14. Great find, Kaa, thanks a lot for sharing!


    This example of Boistrancourt / Estourmel makes clear, why the maps were not usable in WW1.

    The (sugar?) factory at Boistrancourt, where Jasta 5 resided, was not yet there in the first map.


    But the old map may be of some good use for finding some of the yet unclear airfields at farms.

    So I found for example the "La Folie Fme" north of Arras, near La Targette.






    This old map? Is it available online and how much of the WWI front does it cover?


    Also worth note that if you add the "Topographic" layer to the New Map online, it appears to show a building where the Factory/Jasta would have been located.



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