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About tofu

  1. Great information in this thread. Thanks Homeboy for the detailed information and George for the TrackIR5 info and profile. I will try the profile tonight. This is actually the first time I will be tweaking TrackIR profiles and software. It has actually worked well the last few months just using the standard out of the box settings. But, I am sure tweaking the settings will increase it's effectiveness.
  2. Test Mission

    Excellent! Thanks!
  3. This might already exist, but it would be nice to have a mission that has heavy load on graphics and doesn't require skilled piloting (even better automated). Lately I have been spending a lot of time testing and testing and something like this would make my job easier. Since this sim requires a lot of fiddling, I imagine many others would find this valuable too. Any ideas on good existing missions I could use?
  4. Flickering?

    Wow! Process Lasso is great. I wish I knew about this little program before.
  5. Flickering?

    After some research, I found some people cautioning affinity in Vista. Or more precisely, don't mess with affinity and windows processes, but you can set affinity for other programs. Since OFF only runs on one processor, Vista doesn't give the option of selecting affinity. So, I decided to leave it along and just monitor each CPU core performance. After defragging, messing with a few graphic settings, I think I have it running smoothly now. The 4 CPU cores don't ever seem to reach capacity (Vista seems to manage it well) and no more stuttering. I also have graphics on very high settings.... so things look good. I think limiting the framerate was the most important fix. I do occasionally see tearing on the edges and some other graphic anomalies, so I will continue to tweak and test (I still need to try Nhancer)... but so far things are looking much better. I had a lot of fun flying last night. :)
  6. Flickering?

    I continue to have stuttering issues. After locking framerate to "32" I have seen some success. I am going to do some more testing tonight. I have not thought about using affinity tools... and I think this is built into Vista and you don't need a 3rd party tool. I will try this tonight and see if this boosts my performance. As for nHancer. Anyone else suggest using this tool (http://www.nhancer.com/)? Seems like the standard new nVidia drivers gives you all the flexibility you need, but maybe there are settings with this tool that would help.
  7. Quick scenario problem

    Thank you Sitting Duck! I was curious what files you modify. Is it just the XML files in the Mission folder? I was going to mess around with it myself. Seems pretty straight forward.
  8. Quick scenario problem

    The FAQ helped a bit: http://www.overflandersfields.com/FAQ.htm#A33 However, I would still be interested in the modified files. It is annoying hitting the pause button (which has to be perfect timing) and then make sure I do everything perfect in less than a second. Is there a link to the modified scenerios? Thanks!
  9. Beginner's Help

    Thanks! Should have tried admin mode first. That worked like a charm!
  10. Beginner's Help

    Tried flying the SE5a for a while (thanks again Check Six), but having troubles getting TrackIR 5 and OFF to work. Seems to work fine with RoF, but having issues with OFF. I looked through the forums and OFFs faq page, but nothing seems to explain why it isn't working. Any ideas folks? Thanks again! I guess I will play RoF tonight, I am done doing tech support :) ... will try again tomorrow.
  11. Beginner's Help

    Thanks for the great tips... time to go fly!
  12. I am new to WWI Sims... heck, I am new to ALL flight sims, but I am excited to get going. I have played for a few weeks now in RoF and OFF (bought both the same day). My time is very limited, so I have focused on RoF and been definitely enjoying myself. I ordered TrackIR (will be here tomorrow). So, as you can guess, I am excited and devoted to start flying these early birds. First to the OFF team, thanks so much for this excellent sim. In going through the different forum posts, trying a few scenarios or campaign mode, or just jumping into a few quick scenerios... I can see the love and attention here. Great job! I am excited to fly some more! I have been enjoying RoF very much, but now I want to get into the detailed history, scenarios, and campaigns of OFF. Everything is fairly set and I mostly figured out controls and settings (still working on radiator and blip switch). So, with that heavy intro, where the hell do I start? I am not a history buff, and don't know what I am selecting in campaign mode. Is there a good campaign to chew on? Should I do other missions first? Is there a good way to easily fly around and just figure things out (and die a lot without creating a character every time)? Is there a good beginners guide to get people like me started in the game? The information on the site and here in the forums are great with settings, hints, etc. But, there isn't much about how to play the game and especially how to get started (at least I can't find something suitable for my intellect ). Any ideas for a beginner? Thanks for any suggestions!
  13. I thought you all might enjoy this: http://www.harkavagrant.com/index.php?id=206
  14. Thanks for everyone's reply. Looks like it is normal behavior, and I guess that makes sense for these planes. I will try and mess with the trim at the beginning of the flight. Condor44, I am using the Saitek AV8R V2 for Xbox/windows. Unfortunately, there are no Saitek drivers or software to calibrate... you have to use the Vista default drivers. This works ok, but some buttons simply will not work. not ideal at all. I am thinking about purchasing a different flight stick. I am having a great time though. I am playing both OFF and RoF. Both are a lot of fun. Only problem is I only have a few hours a week to play :) oh well. Thanks again all!
  15. New to flight sims and brand new to OFF (as of today)... so be gentle. It appears that my pitch or "elevator" axis is not centered. I have to push the stick down to maintain level flight. Any ideas? Thanks!

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