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Everything posted by Nesher

  1. Can Anyone Tell Me....

    lolol :)
  2. 2 of the funniest videos I've ever seen.

    the croc vid ok? it downloaded 1:49 mintues from the vid and than stoped :\
  3. 2 of the funniest videos I've ever seen.

    thanks, I'll check them out :)
  4. I'm new here!

    welcome m8..! :) Cheers
  5. You Have Got To Be Kidding Me.....

    the british ain't kidding... hehe pricey!!! :\
  6. Happy Birthday To Fracture

    Mazal Tov...! lots of b-days this time around or what? :) I think I'm the youngest guy in this joint hehe
  7. I've never seen this before...

    I know they go full throttle on landing... he was too slow that's what I thought... he was almost in a halt before it snapped..
  8. U.S.S. Perch Found!

    when i finished reading the story i had goose bumps :| very nice story.. thanks...!
  9. I've never seen this before...

    poor guys... and the pilots :\ they ejected, yeah?
  10. Happy Birthday To

    Happy B-Day! :) congrats
  11. How Cold Is It Where You're From?

    my sig could give me away m8... Sonata Arctica
  12. F-22 at Red Flag

    thanks Dagger :)
  13. Hello All

    welcome... enjoy your stay!
  14. How Cold Is It Where You're From?

    anttijaakko you lucky you!! your homeland has the best band in the whole wide world :)
  15. Hello from me

    welcome mate... Cheers!
  16. OK it's real easy..IMPORTANT

    don't forget it's fun being here... ;)
  17. How Cold Is It Where You're From?

    about 10° C... were in the winter here in Israel :)
  18. Happy Birthday

    Mazal Tov!! Congrats Cowboy :) for many more years to come..! Cheers
  19. Hello All,

    welcome... enjoy this great place :)
  20. US Navy aircraft carrier video "Pump It"

    very very funny vid LOLOL :) thanks!@!!
  21. Armed Assult demo is out..

  22. Merry Christmas!

    Hannukah ended yesterday hehe :) happy holidays guys
  23. a F-4U Corsair training video...

    thanks! :)
  24. The F-16 and C-130 pilots conversation

    there is a similar joke with B-52 and an F-14 :)

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