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Everything posted by Nesher

  1. Happy Birthday to....

    Mazal Tov :)
  2. Back after a couple of years...

    i think i remember you :) anyway welcome back..
  3. Steve Irwin is Dead

    :\ thats sad... he was funny saw his movie and few times he was on "The Tonight Show"
  4. September Calendar

    *site not sight
  5. Pictures in videos

    no politics, no flames... just pictures! R.I.P. = they say 1 picture worth 1000 words, this worth a lot more please respect the dead and the subject with proper responses! thank you
  6. Hello

    Welcome...! :) enjoy your stay
  7. Laughin Vid

    thanks... :) this is TopGun in less than 6 min hehe
  8. Happy B-Day MadJeff

    Happy B-Day...! Mazal Tov :)
  9. Some pictures from my phone

    "Section" Esh (Fire), where i'm at group all the IDF's Artillery Control and Command Systems our Logo 4 Pictures taken in the IDF Artillery School, also known as Shivta/Bislat the M109 (Israeli variant) and one of M113 that usually used for Battery Command http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/2967/032pq9.jpg http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/9355/033he5.jpg http://img123.imageshack.us/img123/6949/034yu3.jpg http://img122.imageshack.us/img122/7352/000gl8.jpg 3 Pictures taken in the hit of battle,from 2 different Battries in the North firing at Lebanon http://img123.imageshack.us/img123/7759/006np7.jpg http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/6400/007pd5.jpg http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/1449/012gi0.jpg 1 Battery of Doher - "Rider" 1 Battery of Dores - "Runer" (also holds CaC Sysem by Elbit Corp, they have new System called Sheder Ham - "Hot Broadcast") i've been in the North in the middle of the war, lucky for me it was't on the front... and we had couple of days with almost complete quite saw M109 and M270 MLRS firing operational for the first time...really cool stuff! lots of good experiences while i was there (3 days in the IDF North Command Post, 2 on the field... with the crews and battries) Cheers!!
  10. i posted a topic with a link and now it's not here, deleted... hidden... dont know wtf happened to it... r u against israel...? there was flame in the topic?? did i write "kill all arabs" or something like that??? i think it's sad that everything i write on this forum gets deleted it used to be a nice place, guess it's not anymore... not for me anyway... hope this one will stay for at least a comment and explaination
  11. Some pictures from my phone

    Jug, what's funny that we went to the teams... they all wore vests and me and my commanders (2 Majors) went only with our M16's and no other protective gear ^_^ FYI, i'm in a non combat unit... so i'm safe 99.99% of the time but like any other soldier, target to terrorists :\ Dagger, the 6111 have good camera (1 MegaPixel) but the 6280 have better (2 MP...) someone in my section has it, much better quality... :)
  12. i'm trying to understand something...

    i can just say i'm sorry...! for a lot of thing... among them "attacking" the forum and the admins Dagger is the man! ans a lot of people here... i don't forget that! i apologize if anyone was offended by this topic...
  13. i'm trying to understand something...

    you can punish those who flame! not the one posting the topic... you don't have to remove the topic\s...
  14. Greatest Military-Based Movie

    there many i've seen lately.... all good like We were Soldiers... really good movie! Platoon,Full Metal Jacket, Apocolpyse Now Redux (3 and a half hours OMG :\ lonnnng but good) Blackhawk Down is my favorite...! there is also Hot Shots (1 & 2) but thier parodies about TopGun (great movie as well) and other "war" movies like rambo
  15. Home made stick

    Nir whaaats up? Hakol tov? :) where in Israel?
  16. Never Forget

    i remember the event... :|
  17. Happy Independence Day!!

    to all my American friends... Happy 4th of July for many more to come!! :yes:
  18. Eliahu Ashery!

    on sunday he was kidnaped from the "Shomron" area he was executed the same night by one of the Terrorist groups sitting in Ramalla, he was shot in the head... he was found earlier today after IDF Forces arrested one of the members of the group responsible to his kidnaping! on Tuesday IDF started the "Summer Rains" operation in Gaza for the kidnaped Soldier and Kasam firing on Israel. IAF 4 F-16's went Super sonic over the Palace of Syrian President Assad! p.s. dont flame the topic! thanks
  19. Eliahu Ashery!

    thanks for the kind words Mark, Eliahu wasn't the soldier that was kidnaped in Gaza he was the civilian kidnaped the same day but the news about it came only a day or two after..
  20. Hey guys, i'm back

    welcome back man :) nice gear ^_^
  21. Beached Harrier Video

    old stuff.... but thanks
  22. Hate to Ask This

    very sorry for your lost... hope for happier days to come
  23. Hate to Ask This

    firehawkordy, make sure you and the family use every second possible with him... my grandfather died of cancer when i was 6 years old i have memories of him, sadly not enough...
  24. Hate to Ask This

    firehawkordy, i'm really sorry to hear he has cancer... hope things will get better for him, you and your family
  25. 01:02:03 04/05/06

    check out the unique time/date on this day 1 hour + sevral mintues in israel (it's now almost midnight) probably i'll be asleep or in my home base when it hits the next time zones ^_^ good night guys

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