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Everything posted by Nesher

  1. last week was Holocaust day.... as you all probably know today is the Memorial day, more than 22,100 lifes of Men and Women lost since 1860 and tonight we celebrate our 58th Independence Day sadness mixed with joy as always we all pray for our fellow soldiers and members of the security forces to come back home safe and sound of-course same goes for the American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan and around the world...
  2. like every "good" soldier hehe i'm going to guard/watch another base for a week starting monday morning it's called "avtash" in hebrew... sometimes it's a small town inside/outside the green line mine will always be the same base 20 min from home hehe dont worry it's not dangerous ^_^ already got my weapon and ammo... sweet shortened m16a1 take care guys... stay safe Cheers, Nesher
  3. hey guys... i'm going away for a week

    babylon? hehe :) thanks but i don't think it's the same meaning... ^_^
  4. hey guys... i'm going away for a week

    i asked someone in my unit to do so... (u know how to translate "Mador" to English? hehe) but when i come back on wednesday or thursday
  5. hey guys... i'm going away for a week

    check this out hehe guarding for 4 hours people are in their towers time is running slow i wish some sh!t will blow i want to shoot at things or at least have a couple of drinks on monday it's gonna end maybe i should join a band and the second song is: this base is wack at least i'm not in the back the main gate is my dill and sometimes were doing a drill wish i could be home they think were in a f**king war i'm going crazy for sure tell me what u think

    LOL...! ohh man... i didn't visit SimHQ like forever... anything new there??? i used to be in the Jane's USAF Forums
  7. hey guys... i'm going away for a week

    hey guys, thanks for all the concern for me :) i'm back home after a long long week but it's finally over ohh Mannie, even in the Mimuna i think i ate Maza becuase they didn't have brad there yet but it wasnt that bad hehe... and 1 little thing, i wrote a few "songs" when i was the tower in the middle of the guard... most of the songs are in hebrew but just for you guys i wrote in English a couple of songs ^_^ i'll write them down here later for now Cheers guys
  8. hey guys... i'm going away for a week

    actually i might fire a few rounds in the range if i get the chance :)
  9. UBISoft dumps Starforce!!

    now it would be easy to crack thier game hehehe :P
  10. Happy Passover everyone...

    today is passover, everything is almost ready so happy holiday\s.. no matter what ur having Cheers
  11. Happy Passover everyone...

    everything is safe so far... :) i'm a little bit sick but probably soon i'll be better thanks guys
  12. 149th FS Transition

    thanks for the news...
  13. Saitek x45 Dat File

    if I remember correctly, u should activate it in the agent on the tray icon u just add the .DAT file in the program files\{folder of the stick} and it will work you can also add it threw the software and it will auto copy it to wanted folder
  14. Granddaughter is finally here !!!!

    cute rugrat, Mazal Tov!!!! what is the name of the beautiful little lady?
  15. C-5 Crashes

    everyone survived... thats good... thanks for the news
  16. Hey guys, i'm back with net

    we did construction work in the house like 4-5 months so i've been gone too long hehe anyways... probably some old guys here who still knows who i am wants to know whats new with me so i'm almost a year in IDF, got Pfc about 5 months ago... Sgt in end of october 06 (i only have 4.5 to end of service ) working my ass a bit on sevral things... important stuff everything is also ok in Israel, we had a bomber yesterday.. and elections this week, first time voter.. a lot is going here as some of you may know nice to be back Nesher ;)
  17. Hey guys, i'm back with net

    most of the vetrans here should :) if they don't know, cort martial! :P
  18. Hey guys, i'm back with net

    thanks guys... Dagger, i didnt plan on voting for number of reasons but some guys from my unit convinced me... firehawkordy, the rank promotion in IDF is much faster than most armies in the world... and thanks hope ur Son and the other kid and all the soldiers in Iraq and Afganistan will come back safe... as i said i think a long time ago, i'm not in combat unit so most of the times im safe... but with life nothing is sure :|
  19. Happy Birthday Marine Corps!!

    230 years... that a very long time :) Happy B-Day :) hehe Cheers
  20. Hi there old friends...

    we have purim we dress up with costumes but it's not like halloween hehe :\ and i can see u like it :)
  21. Hi there old friends...

    what a cuty... :) does he have a sister? :P
  22. 2.5 is out..

    kinda old news but thanks :)
  23. new movie ind. Pallywood

    all i can say, they are f**king lying idiots :P too bad they dont have real accidents in the scenes :yes: p.s. the truth shall sen u free another thing, i wanna say sorry for all the good men and women lost in Iraq from the various millitary branches of the U.S yesterday was the 2000th soldier killed in action the same day terror struck in Hedera the "funny" thing that he was injured last week only to die and be the 2000 person killed stay strong guys, and safe!
  24. new movie ind. Pallywood

    thanks for the response... i hope everyone downloading this clip very important to show to the world stay safe as well buddy..!
  25. Mustang for Sale....

    dang... nice mustang :) i want to help but for less than 100$ a month from the army i can't do much :P

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