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Everything posted by Nesher

  1. Elite Warriors Vietnam demo released!

    thanks... :) waiting for a good game and SWAT 4 is out soon too bad i might disconnected from the internet for a while :|
  2. The Target for today...

    LOLOL :P good one slick
  3. i need this badly!!! but i have GeForce 4 MX :(
  4. somethings i have to say :P

    OMG Third Watch is the best TV Show ever!!!!!!!!! this is dang goooooood in Israel they aired the first season till the third... (in Israeli channels) wasn't enough for me... so i watched 4th season now i'm on the 5th (3rd episode today of the season) amazing seriers!!! ohhh i remember a few months ago everyone talked about their Music taste since my basic training in the IDF, i've been listening to Sonata Arctica and i suggest u too their new album "Reckoning Night" is absolutely beautiful and also thier other albums they even have a cover song of Bette Midler, Metallica and more better from the originals so if you get the chance, hear them!! Cheers, Nesher ;)
  5. somethings i have to say :P

    u welcome Knight they have Wolf and Raven in thier official web site http://www.saunalahti.fi/arsi666/wolf_and_raven.mpg at http://www.sonataarctica.info but they have much much better songs u can enjoy... ;)
  6. Hello

    welcome aboard enjoy this site :)
  7. New Forum Skin

    i like it to... any way u change the light brown into some kind of green or grey? i think it would look better ;)
  8. somethings i have to say :P

    everyone with thier own humble opinion :) btw, anyone got the chance to hear Sonata? i wanna know what u think Cheers
  9. AA 2.3.0 is out

    patch: http://www.3dgamers.com/dlselect/games/ame...1to230.exe.html full version: http://www.3dgamers.com/dlselect/games/ame...ops230.exe.html enjoy
  10. AA 2.3.0 is out

    i don't think it's that appropriate, but it's still a tactic :\ (lame one i might add, when i play Ambush hehe :)) for me it's just a fun game, soldiers are taught how to handle every situation in combat they have thier Rules of Engagement and they follow it but not anyone stick to ROE all the time, soldiers were sentensed in the past.... and probably in the future everyone has his own prespective on every situation and might react differently as well not always by the book... as far as it goes for me... i'm not VIP yet lol, when my time will come i'll let ya know buddy
  11. AA 2.3.0 is out

    one of the best game i have ever played so enjoy it all :) about hiding behind civies it's just a tactic, the game is very realistic but not 100%... i think they shouldn't kick for that reason...
  12. 4 killed as far as i know for now more than 40 injured, 4 critical this is the "Hudna" (cease fire) i was in the same area two weeks ago in a club near by i'm sure you all heared about it in the news...
  13. question air 2 air

  14. question air 2 air

    don't think IAF didn't thunder before Israeli Jets from time to time buzzz near the palace of Bashar Assad
  15. What if the USAF had a carrier?

    good one Chief :D
  16. http://www.navy.mil/search/display.asp?story_id=16837 thanks to EagleDriver from Gamer.co.il forums who brought the news ...
  17. February Calendar

    nice... :)
  18. Sea Stallion went down in Iraq

    i heared it earlier today just wanted to say sorry that this had happned very tragic event at this day we (Israel) mark 8 years to the collision of 2 CH-53E "Yasur" killing 73 IDF Soldiers and Crew members of to helos we also mark 60 years to liberation of Auschwitz death camp very sad day... hope things get better, here in Israel.. over there in Iraq and the good old USA and the rest of the World stay strong guys...! <S> Nesher
  19. Sea Stallion went down in Iraq

    you are thw wise man.. don't worry we sure gonna use them thanks Douchy about the gravemarks, i'm sure u can find info over the web it was a sad days in so many ways....
  20. Sea Stallion went down in Iraq

    yes Thomas... it was horrible 73 soldiers lost their life in that collision
  21. Sea Stallion went down in Iraq

    unknown... :\ still checking that out..
  22. new Irani TV Show is aired... and u guessed it.... Israel is the main subject they are on to us.... ohh sh*t the TV show show how Israeli doctors take the eyes of palastinians children to replace the eyes of Israeli blind people yes... they got us... its true they show how the doctors fool the families of the "victims" and how the little girl cry after her eye were taken out... thats what i call good old fasion Irani Television can't wait till it arrive to here... can't wait to see it LOLOLOL ohh man... when i heared about it on the 8 o'clock news i laughed so hard hehe
  23. new underware line

    yeah yeah... it's another way they are trying to get bombs inside Israel check out this undies luckly a female soldier noticed the man and troops discovered the bomb for the story from the IDF site http://www1.idf.il/DOVER/site/mainpage.asp...&docid=33364.EN the same day (it was yesterday) 2 suicide bombers bombed 2 buses in 10-15 sec a part from each other 16 people died ... :( i'm sure u heared about already
  24. new underware line

    from funny it became deadly! yesterday a Shabak (like the US NSA) Agent died after a terrorist wearing this explosives in his underwear triggered the bomb ... killing the Agent and injured 7 people
  25. new underware line

    this "rotten" country is the best country in the world... so plz, keep ur remarks to ur self... thanks

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