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Everything posted by Nesher

  1. Biohaz Fairwell Calendar

    nice.... ;)
  2. Happy New year everyone!

    Happy new year guys... had a lot of fun last night with friends... hope you too :) Cheers
  3. news from http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/boards/bb...c;f=49;t=004646 brought to you by http://www.pawgclan.com SP 9.2 CD 1 SP 9.2 CD 2 enjoy
  4. USAF SP9.2 here to DL :)

    cause BW is over for this month i guess try at GK's site :)
  5. My Uncle passed away this morning.

    i'm very sorry for your lost chief...! stay strong <S>
  6. USAF SP9.2 here to DL :)

    the download is back online http://www.pawgclan.com/Super_Pro_9.2/ u can also try download it from GK's site http://gulfknight.net/ p.s. the biggest USAF community is there ! enjoy
  7. USAF SP9.2 here to DL :)

    yeap... CRC error... sorry guys... stay tuned to the second link in a few hours ;)
  8. A Tennessee sunset.

    niceeee... :)
  9. http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/boards/bb...c;f=49;t=004624 i must say... Slikk done a great job it took a while but it worth it
  10. Anybody know anything 'bout wedding rings?

    LOLOLOL congrats zagnut... Mazal tov ;) have to buy ... hehe
  11. U.S. Marine Corp

    hey ya all how is everybody doin'? Are the Marines part of branch in the Navy? i know it's a core operating on it's on but it belongs to the navy or something like that so if you kindly explain me about the Core i would appreciate it alot btw, i can't enter the Marine Corp official website for some unknown reason thanks guys P.S. Marine Corp OWNS ;) (and the rest of the U.S military :))
  12. Happy Hanukkah

  13. thanks but there is nothing on the main page :\
  14. Gaming computer

    u can buy a good gaming pc for about 1K i don't think u will be spending more... check out sales sites to see the prices 1 GB of memory is very good and very fast but u don't have to buy 1GB, u can also use 512 Megs and it will work fine and u better have Radeon Graphics card about the motherboard and processor i'm very pleased with my AMD2500+ and Gigabyte GA-7N400 L1 Pro of course u should and can buy better processor and mb Happy Holiday (we don't have one at this time...) and Cheers :)
  15. AAO Desktop Admin

    thanks for the software Fates i'll post it in the biggest AA forum is Israel ;)
  16. http://www.airwarfare.com/Sims/IL2_PF/pf_patches.htm the first one is for the Stand Alone version the second is for PF+FB+AEP version check the notes and enjoy :) p.s. i'm not sure if it's leaked , and i don't think it is... Cheers
  17. Navy Chief is back online!

    yay chief :) welcome back buddy... we missed ya :D Cheers
  18. U.S. Marine Corp

    thanks for the answers guys... :) i'll watch that movie if i get the chance.. Cheers
  19. Old inactive user accounts deleted

    ohh, really..? good thinking :)
  20. Old inactive user accounts deleted

    backup the DataBase too... just incase ;)
  21. Half-Life 2

    don't have money for R9600XT :( and not even for HL1 (yes, 1 not 2) LOL
  22. Arafat is Dead

    finally... man... how long does it take for a person like him to die? let's hope it will start the era of peace in here Cheers
  23. Half-Life 2

    buying? hehe they say that HL2 has the best protection ever in a game... so..
  24. Hazardous Material Data Sheet

    ROLOLOLOLMAO that's a good one Raptor

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