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Everything posted by Nesher

  1. good luck with that.... when the server will be up and running post something here i may come by from time too time :P
  2. u using Mike's Skin? :) nice shots
  3. why not...? IL-2 had it, FB had it... sure PF can have this option btw, u gonna put PF (SA) server or PF+AEP+FB?
  4. A quick note from Navy Chief.

    hope everything will turn out on the best side nice to hear Chief love the new place hope u too Take care and it's nice to hear from u
  5. lol... Mike saw his skin in that picture Thomas
  6. Have a nice walk....

    nice song Dutchy...
  7. LOLOL BF, i used oo suck too practice with the D3A1 (iJN) or Seafire (RN) they are very good for beginers... good luck
  8. Afghani TV...

    OMG it's GOOOOOD
  9. Wanna chuckle?

  10. did u do Stand Alone install ? or PF+AEP+FB ? cause SA and PF+AEP+FB can't play together..
  11. Bye bye Last Operational F-104

    the link work just fine.... thanks
  12. Flight Sim Heaven...

    enjoy.... :yes:
  13. Bye bye Last Operational F-104

    it's sounds nice... a good way to say good bye any pics..? Cheers
  14. i have PF+AEP+FB (not the stand alone version) it's great, it's beautiful and amazing as usuall i suck at carrier landings... LOL grab it quick and enjoy Cheers
  15. Winamp 5.05 did the job LOLOL good vids looking forword to the 1.1 add-on
  16. not hiding anything hehe :) someone posted those vids few days ago sorry for not thinking about posting them here next i'll do so i tried installing K-Lite Codec pack didn't help, i'll try DivX can hurt anyone p.s. if i had the alpha version of 1.1 u think i would hidden it from ya? ;)
  17. had them for a long time but i have codec problem... can't watch them :(
  18. why did the chicken cross the road?

    LOLOL nice joke thanks
  19. MJ, we need our own Top 25

    Jane's USAF and IAF OWNS YA :D
  20. Your prayers are needed

    sorry for ur lost Todd...
  21. 18 years in captivity - Ron Arad

    articles from the IAF site about Ron Arad today we mark 18 years to his captivity Operation 'Peace for the Galilee' October 16th 1986: A Phantom that had been carrying out attacks against terrorist targets in south Lebanon suffers a technical malfunction and is shot down. Its air crew men bail out. The navigator, Ron Arad, is taken captive. The pilot, Major Aviram, is rescued on a Cobra's skid to Israel. A Phantom is hit over Lebanon. Ron Arad is captured In October 1986, during a routine attack in Lebanon, an IAF Phantom was damaged as a result of a technical malfunction. The crew - pilot Maj. Aviram, and the WSO, Maj. Ron Arad, had no choice but to bail out. Maj. Aviram was rescued in a daring operation by a Cobra helicopter, in which he hung on to the chopper's landing gear. Ron Arad was taken captive. Rescue on a Cobra's skids On Thursday, October 16th 1986, a Phantom carrying out a routine attack in Lebanon was hit following a technical malfunction, and the two crew members had to bail out. The pilot had a rough fall and rolled into a wadi, but crawled into a thicket of raspberry bushes and camouflaged himself, awaiting rescue. The navigator, Maj. Ron Arad, fell captive. The terrorist forces who had captured him scoured the area looking for the pilot, and shot at the two Cobras which came to rescue him. The Cobras managed to make contact with the pilot. They flew low in his direction, and directed him to climb as far up the wadi wall as he could. One of the Cobras managed to sidle up to the Phantom pilot. The plan called for the weapons drum hatch to be opened, for him to sit on, but instead he took hold of one of the chopper's skids under one arm, grabbed the radio with the other hand and shouted 'go!'. He flown thus - hanging in midair from the Cobra's skid - to Israeli territory. RON ARAD Born for Freedom!
  22. 18 years in captivity - Ron Arad

    i hope so too the formation is performed by his Squadron 69th "Hammers" flying the F-15I he was in the time when the Hammers were flying the good old Phantoms
  23. 18 years in captivity - Ron Arad

    Missing Formation over Israel by Yoni AKA StrikeEagle in Gamer.co.il forums by Ron S AKA Gongon

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