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Everything posted by Nesher

  1. absolutly amazing wonderful work ! great video !!!
  2. Which file extension are you?

    here is mine hehe
  3. nice idea, thanks Jeff good luck everyone Post #24
  4. Top 25 Flight sims

    thanks for the link keep us updated
  5. LOMAC Manual Lottery!!

    nice idea... good luck all
  6. fs2004 update is out!!

    don't install it yet if u have lots of add-ons it can disable them or something... read every thing before installing..! thanks
  7. Happy Birthday Wanks!

    Happy B-Day Mazal tov
  8. Taba Hilton hotel got bombed

    for now the reports are mixed some foreign news agencies say that there are 23 Israeli killed in the bomb attack... u can check out the news and updates (it's 0:07 right now in Israel - GMT+2:00) it happened 2 hours ago instead of holiday ... people get bombed during thier vaction... life can sometimes be suck
  9. Taba Hilton hotel got bombed

    recent update 150 wounded 26 killed, 21 are Israeli during thier vaction in Taba
  10. thanks, i'll look it up
  11. Dean Reimers F-18s are out

    amazing!!! really nice word the man did there absolutly beautiful :)
  12. same here Top_Gun, only military for me... wow that's a nice YF-23 u have link ? :D
  13. Another Cancer Battle Lost....

    my grandfather too, lost his battle to cancer... i loved him very much... and have small and good memories of him i was 6-7 years old when he past away... :(
  14. Another Cancer Battle Lost....

    sorry for your lost... hope u will come to the forum next times with only good news <S>
  15. Pictures from bootcamp :)

    friends from my Squad joking around yes, it's not allowed to aim weapon at a person me and a friend, i'm on the left... too much? ahh? :D YES>...to Much... ;) people from all of the platoon (i think it's platoon for u guys ) in one of our gathering with my squad a friend did acrobatics... whooohooo
  16. Pictures from bootcamp :)

    yes, it's me :D i have more pics of the platoon but when i'm not jumping at anyone ;)
  17. Pictures from bootcamp :)

    Fates at least some is :) SDirickson we had alot of fun... Cheers
  18. I've been gone...

    nice to hear ur okay sleep good at nights ;) ... and i should take that advice hehe Cheers
  19. It's Californias turn!!!

    we had an earthquake a few week ago, 5 too i think stay safe :)
  20. Calender, October...

    Israeli made http://www.angelfire.com/pop2/nintendo64/F16calendar.jpg (i didn't create it, ShaR!R from Gamer.co.il forums did, so full credit to him) mark 16th of October, 18 years to captivity of Ron Arad the Navigator of an F-4E Phantom that got malfunction and crashed the pilot was extracted by AH-1 Cobra, the Navigator , Arad, got kidnaped by Irani terrorist group Ron Arad, Born for Freedom! רון ארד, לחופש נולד!
  21. My not be online for a while.

    good luck and come back soon :) Cheers
  22. 5 gmail accounts to give away...

    got one already IAF.Nesher@gmail.com thanks anyway :D
  23. Another bus bomb in Israel

    24 years old woman died after the house she lived in shelled by a mortar, killing the woman during the time, mortar was still hiting the area now i've heared in the news 5 soldiers killed in Iraq in 4 terror attacks my heart goes to the families..

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