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Everything posted by Nesher

  1. Another bus bomb in Israel

    yes, Douchy said it the best way anyone can say ... Yom Kipur is starting in less than an hour, so i won't be here in the next 25-26 hours in Yom Kipur we don't eat or drink and other things like smoking, driving etc... it's to make up for our seans... as usuall ,IDF continues to operate altought some soldiers keep the holiday, may they be safe during this day and all year long bye for now <S>, Nesher
  2. Another bus bomb in Israel

    if Israel stop taking action against the palesinians they will arm them self good enough for a small third world war daily actions are taken to prevent that it helps alot but not 100% so soldiers see the effect every day fighting terror is hard and never ends but IDF is doing it's best not to harm any civis they want to hurt anyone they will nopt stop in any case so why should Israel stop? =/
  3. Another bus bomb in Israel

    3 Soldiers dead, 1 of them was an officer in an attack on outpost near morag in Gush Katif the 2 terrorist entered the outpost in the mist of the morning shooting at soldiers, the 2 terroist were killed in the fire exchange http://www.ynet.co.il/PicServer2/01082004/...5/map_morag.gif the red are the terrorist hope u will understand something of it...
  4. Another bus bomb in Israel

    thank you navychief, for everything! but the idea ain't gonna happen and killing the A-hole won't help that much IMHO there wasn't any time for negotiations ever... they want us dead... we just want to live in peace and if killing terrorist will help that so be it we do it for defence let's hope this war will end soon...
  5. Another bus bomb in Israel

    update: the 2 dead are 2 Soldiers from the "Border Police" (Magav) the oldest was 20 years old, the second was 19 years old they stopped with thier bodies a biger number of people standing in the bus station near by the suicide bomber was 18 years old... they have no respect for life, my opinion that they don't deserve them
  6. Another bus bomb in Israel

    more info about the bomb attack it was a female terrorist that blew her self up 2 died, 17 wounded and may be more in the next few hours from shock...
  7. Joint Operations: Escalation

    i'm aware of the news... CoD:UO out, new JO etc... :D
  8. Another bus bomb in Israel

    heared about it 2 min ago from a friend of the family... we have a big problem... all the world is watching our action against Terror as usuall, most of the countries don't care that we try to keep us safe from that Terrorist attacks the fence we bulid doing it's job but the problem that people try to stop the rest of the buliding of the security fence that prevent terrorists going into Israel but don't worry so much, those in charge of the attack will be delt with... they can run but they can't hide forever
  9. Joint Operations: Escalation

    thanks for the news
  10. Full Spectrum Warrior Demo

    thanks... i've been waiting to check it out :D
  11. A Navy Chief joke.

    LOLOL we have the same joke in hebrew
  12. MS has announced Update for FS9

    thanks for the info :)
  13. Need Help!

    i don't think it's possible but try this anyway -->> slow down (not too much so u don't get into a stall) if your gear doesn't open try to land on the belly of the plane GL ;)
  14. Finally got power and water

    good to have you back :)
  15. COD: United Offensive

    i want it badly!!!!!!!!!!!!! holy sh!t it looks good :D
  16. odd things

    odd things indeed :X
  17. New Saitek Open Beta Release for XP

    thanks for the update... maybe i'll install it and check it out Cheers
  18. saw the links a few days ago looks nice... congrats for the new forum Cheers
  19. Thanks to my friends

    same here... good news indeed :)
  20. Wallpapers...

    http://www.jetwalls.com/ check them out, absolutly great thing there for Gamer.co.il :D i'm now using the F-14 Tomcat, getting ready to takeoff from the Carrier at night B)
  21. Wallpapers...

    more wallpapers http://www.richard-seaman.com/Wallpaper/Aircraft/ http://www.tmnw10686.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/aircraft1.htm http://www.desktopia.com/wallpapers/Aviation_-_Military/ enjoy :P btw, the last site open pop-ups from Gamer.co.il too
  22. Wallpapers...

    u welcome ;)
  23. Not another war!!

    yep, Ilan Ramon was one of the Culombia Spaceshuttle crashed almost 2 years ago he was actually afraid during "Opera" operation (the Iraqi nuclear plant bombing operation) he was the last aircraft in the second formation, and if anyone should had got hit it most likely would have been him u have a point scout, but if we need to something we will think about everything to make it work don't worry, our men will find solution to everything ;)
  24. Not another war!!

    don't worry... be happy :P Israel have missions ready just in case... the new F-16I and the young F-15I are ready and able to reach Iran we did it once we surely do it again if needed Cheers
  25. u need WMP 9 or 10 to watch the video it will download it to ur computer enjoy ;)

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