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Everything posted by Nesher

  1. Swiss Air Force Vid, check it out

    u welcome... some one gave it in Gamer.co.il and rotter.net just pasing it threw :D
  2. Swiss Air Force Vid, check it out

    thanks for the site... i'll check it out...
  3. good news ,bad news

    wow... wierd story about the F-15 Crash... luckly the pilot made it out okay about the puppies... cruel man indeed :|
  4. got my self an X-45

    my aunt baught me it in the U.S. and she gave it to me today ... it looks gooood hope i'll enjoy it for many years Cheers :)
  5. got my self an X-45

    it's plugged directly to the computer... i uninstalled the drivers, reinstalled them and plugged it into another USB.. i'll check it tommarow
  6. got my self an X-45

    i get the WinXP blue screen everytime i turn on my PC it says INTERNAL_POWER_ERROR i think than i restart the computer and the stick has no power... like it's not connected... any idea why can it happen?
  7. Sad News for the B-52 RC

    wow... i saw pics of this baby it looked good too bad for the crash =\
  8. Right stuff vs

    nice pics chief... hehe keep them coming if you have more Cheers
  9. u have any good profile out there and can u give a link or send it to me by eMail : hen_l44@hotmail.com (also for messenger if you want :) ) or IAF.Nesher@gamil.com thanks :D if u have any other sim profiles for the X-45 i'd like u to send them too if you can
  10. got ur profile ... i'll try it soon, thanks again :)
  11. MOH:Pacific Assult

    it's not working on GeForce 4 MX :( and it can take a while till i get a new video card
  12. i ain't got any new messages so i'll wait for a while... thanks
  13. got my self an X-45

    lolol i doubt if i have any children out there... but i have 2 brothers so it's kinda like two 3 years old around here hehe sorry for ur stick
  14. Back after a short absence

    welcome back, hope ur daughter will be ok let us know how is everything going Cheers
  15. MOH:Pacific Assult

    i loved CoD, it was excellent :D had a chance to play online for a little bit... but i can't anymore
  16. Medal Of Honor Pacific Assault Demo

    Dagger... check out my message there Cheers :)
  17. MOH:Pacific Assult

    i download it on this computer (my old pentium 3) and i'll transfer the installation file as soon as i get my new pc back thanks for sharing ur thoughts btw, it's MOH:Pacific Assualt not CoD hehe
  18. new underware line

    and luck... alot of it... sometimes soldiers just miss the bombs and it's not thier fault, it's hard work and they try to it as best as possible and we thank them for it...
  19. The death toll in the Russian hostage crisis

    i guess so... but we won't know ... unlike them we have honor even after the things they do
  20. check the ReadMe files in the main folder or in the Docs folder u will se "ReadMe + version.doc" files or txt at least i think tha way... u can also check in the game (it should be there also)
  21. The death toll in the Russian hostage crisis

    i've been watching the news about it... it sounds bad... too bad... let's hope it will stop there, and here in Israel and everywhere in the world i liked the General's idea but the Jewish people have respect for the dead so things like that are not being comited on terrorist around here...
  22. new underware line

    the U.N only operate in the North border near Lebanon most of the terrorist locked up in Israeli prisons don't know what caught her attention but with this guy u can be sure it ain't sexual
  23. Server Launch

    congrats... maybe i'll stop by from time to time...
  24. Medal Of Honor Pacific Assault Demo

    ohh yeah... heared about and downloaded it yesterday :)
  25. new underware line

    nice idea pcpilot... but the soldiers detonated the charge in a safe location u wanna hear something funny, people like this idiot that are in our prisons want human treatment keeping them alive ain't human enough? if it was up to me i'd never get them alive into Israeli borders... this can only show u that we don't kill for fun or anything that they say about us...

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