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Everything posted by Nesher

  1. new underware line

    thanks again for the support guys... i'm sorry for those Marines died,although i don't about the story i also have respect for those Soldiers fighting to keep other countries safe (much like the Soldiers in Iraq and around the world) beside to the IDF soldiers risking their lives on a daily bases our country keep fighting Terror we won't give up, don't worry finiteless, they are not far from doing that they do everything to transfer bombs into Israel including giving them to children too bad that some of them actually help them...
  2. new underware line

    thanks navychief, the pic is a nice addon to your reply i know i can always count on you to support Israel anytime and Creepy, yes it's scary not knowing but we must not let them win by living in fear we fight them where ever they go when ever we can let's hope they will not succeed ever again p.s. same stuff is going on in Russia... /=
  3. Ahhhh, Just a Great Random Joke...

    ROFLOLOLOLOLMAO :lol: good one :D
  4. Lomac Formation flying Video

    i'll check it out when i get a chance thanks :)
  5. haven't seen it for a long time

    Israel' 8 O'Clock (PM) News starting with good news.... first medal is Athens to the Israeli judoist, Arik Zeevi so congrats... :D how many did ur country got ...? it's ok to share ;)
  6. haven't seen it for a long time

    thanks for the link Wili... B)
  7. haven't seen it for a long time

    update: first Gold Medal to Israel in the Olympics way to go Gal who did it :D
  8. USAF with SP2

    from what i've heared he needs at least 850 Megs anyways, i don't thing anyone tried usin USAF and SP2 try asking in Gulf's forums ;) http://gulfknight.net/forum/index.php?sid=...dc0891dfff83bf0 Cheers
  9. Happy B-Day Madjeff

    Mazal Tov :P Happy B-Day
  10. yep... some good news are better than no news at all u welcome :)
  11. so sorry to say it, ur dumb it's only a game... it's not like he killed ur family so relax a little :\
  12. The Original Hollywood Squares

    LOLOLOL OMG it's goooooood :D
  13. as a jewish u offend me by puting this image and even say that about other people think for a moment what u called a person and for what reason i can asure u that wasn't good enough reason
  14. Aviation Art

    wow... very nice Frenchie... ;)
  15. haven't seen it for a long time

    ohhh right.... sorry Douchy
  16. haven't seen it for a long time

    thanks Creepy :) nice to hear things like that hehe, u probably met a lot of Israeli soldiers thier the best people can ask for much like ur Marines i guess :P Cheers
  17. Starship Troopers

    waiting for the game 2 :D looks very good ;)
  18. u need to change the Virtual Memory let it run by the System... i don't know how it goes in English i can try u right click on "My Computer" Properties u go to Advanced Tab then u choose the first thing there (Visual effects, memory use etc.. it's under performance) good luck ;)
  19. Because Im a Sailor

    hehe i'm familiar with that joke i think
  20. Because Im a Sailor

    LOLOLOL loved the first joke , the second has a Hebrew version if i'm not mistaken we have a lot of military jokes in here (u probably figure it out :) ) too bad it will be lost in translation :\
  21. thanks man... i was looking for that ... :)
  22. Won't be very active for a while.

    enjoy ur new place... but u should notify someone about the drivers and the road condition there too many people die for nothing... keep that in mind stay safe , Nesher ;)
  23. Helllllloooooo From The Persian Gulf

    hope u r safe out there... technology gave us great things, i see u enjoy them :P <Salute>

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