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Everything posted by Nesher

  1. next days at a airshow

    enjoy the airshow... get some pics for us Cheers
  2. ohh.. i've noticed it too i was thinking something more like this if there is anything out yet
  3. i don't think anyone in here need that info... most of the people here use the US/UK versions but thanks
  4. thanks Jeff, but i need it in a keyboard layout... the docs there are in a list
  5. A Music Question

    i loved some of Evanesence songs... they are good Todd, i'll download some stuff tommrow , thanks :D
  6. New Pics From The Game

    http://n.rotter.net/nor/computer/12953.shtml very very heavy :D if there are any problems with the site let me know ;) p.s. Ignore the Hebrew unless u know Hebrew
  7. ohh too bad i can't make it tonight... i need to show my C Project... maybe another time :)
  8. New Pics From The Game

    LOL Cowboy, u cracked me up did you enjoy the Barmitzfah ? (i'm sure it's written Barmitva :\ )
  9. already heared the new in my Israeli Sim forum good news indeed in the middle of the download... i'll check it tommrow :D
  10. Joint Ops Released

    thanks for the head up... ;)
  11. A Music Question

    Linkin is very good :D i love Meteora and other of their albums u need to here Faint or Crawling... or my December great music i tell ya ;)
  12. A Music Question

    all I can say is Linkin Park OWNS :D
  13. clickable pics, the real deal or just an ugly rumour ? http://ubbxforums.ubi.com/6/ubb.x?a=tpc&s=...606&m=168108164 some pics from my online games i've started lately Air Combat with the Sim Section admin in Gamer.co.il he is stupid :D i'm with the MiG , he had the Su-27 http://members.lycos.co.uk/vfsds/LockOn/ScreenShot_015.jpg http://members.lycos.co.uk/vfsds/LockOn/ScreenShot_016.jpg http://members.lycos.co.uk/vfsds/LockOn/ScreenShot_017.jpg http://members.lycos.co.uk/vfsds/LockOn/ScreenShot_018.jpg http://members.lycos.co.uk/vfsds/LockOn/ScreenShot_020.jpg http://members.lycos.co.uk/vfsds/LockOn/ScreenShot_021.jpg Bad executed aerobatics u wanna guess what we tried to do ? same guy as before, both had MiG-29's, i had 29A he had 29S http://members.lycos.co.uk/vfsds/LockOn/ScreenShot_022.jpg http://members.lycos.co.uk/vfsds/LockOn/ScreenShot_023.jpg http://members.lycos.co.uk/vfsds/LockOn/ScreenShot_024.jpg http://members.lycos.co.uk/vfsds/LockOn/ScreenShot_025.jpg http://members.lycos.co.uk/vfsds/LockOn/ScreenShot_026.jpg http://members.lycos.co.uk/vfsds/LockOn/ScreenShot_027.jpg http://members.lycos.co.uk/vfsds/LockOn/ScreenShot_028.jpg http://members.lycos.co.uk/vfsds/LockOn/ScreenShot_029.jpg http://members.lycos.co.uk/vfsds/LockOn/ScreenShot_030.jpg http://members.lycos.co.uk/vfsds/LockOn/ScreenShot_031.jpg and we all love physics ;) up http://members.lycos.co.uk/vfsds/LockOn/ScreenShot_005.jpg http://members.lycos.co.uk/vfsds/LockOn/ScreenShot_006.jpg http://members.lycos.co.uk/vfsds/LockOn/ScreenShot_007.jpg http://members.lycos.co.uk/vfsds/LockOn/ScreenShot_008.jpg http://members.lycos.co.uk/vfsds/LockOn/ScreenShot_009.jpg down http://members.lycos.co.uk/vfsds/LockOn/ScreenShot_010.jpg http://members.lycos.co.uk/vfsds/LockOn/ScreenShot_011.jpg http://members.lycos.co.uk/vfsds/LockOn/ScreenShot_012.jpg http://members.lycos.co.uk/vfsds/LockOn/ScreenShot_013.jpg result http://members.lycos.co.uk/vfsds/LockOn/ScreenShot_014.jpg if you didn't notice, i ejected before the climb LOLOLOLOL
  14. Forgotten Hope - Super Mod

    checking the site, thanks... :D
  15. i know for now ot's a rumor but even IAF and USAF have clickable pits (part of the pit anyway) i'm sure if they think about getting more money out of people they would do it, much like the IL-2 (IL-2,IL-2 FB,IL-2FB-AEP) if you think about, they have nothing to lose trying to do the clickable pits lexicon, the game is fine... every game has bugs... about downloding stuff, half the world does it
  16. Joint Ops Demo

    http://www.3dgamers.com/dl/games/jointoper...804_xx.exe.html it looks okay but needs more work i believe
  17. Joint Ops Demo

    if i need ya, i'll give ya a buzzz ;) thanks
  18. yes, for now it's a rumor but maybe in the future it would be done... so we have to wait and see they might give it as an add-on to purchase for the game
  19. Joint Ops Demo

    ohhh nice to see we have a nove VIP in the house :D thanks for the info, if i have any more question i know who to ask Cheers
  20. My Wife Has Sissified My Dog....

    real scary Rottweiler LOLOLOL :lol: he is cute but rottweileres can be dangerous from time to time
  21. very good job i also loved alot the IL-2 Manager ;)
  22. Soldner Released In Europe

    it has alot of CTD =/
  23. thanks ghost dog ;) keep it up

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