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      26 September - Maintenance Notification   09/21/2024

      CombatACE.com will be offline this upcoming Thursday morning, September 26, 2024. The duration of this event will be 4-5 hours. Our website will be unavailable and return an error during that time. Maintenance of our equipment is unavoidable, and this downtime will allow the opportunity to replace worn and damaged fans, power supply units, and thermal paste throughout all our equipment. Thank you for reading our maintenance advisory.


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Everything posted by Nesher

  1. Remember D-day

    D-Day video... http://homepage.ntlworld.com/gerald.marley/june-6th-1944.zip kinda hard for me to say things about an era that i wasn't even born but many brave man fought for a better future for the world they libirated Europe as well as the Jewish people, my people! I thank those brave man and Honor them <S> Nesher
  2. Ronald Reagan Passed Away

    http://www.whitehouse.gov/history/presidents/rr40.html don't know much about the man but at least he lived for many years... let's hope all of us will live for that long..
  3. Ultimate Flight Sim

    looks very beautiful.... even amazing !! i saw lots of models in pics over the web this one is one of the best looking :)
  4. Ragdoll In 2.1

    for u Fates http://members.lycos.co.uk/aasfgamer/dl/rag1.avi right click -->> save target as.... did this one to show to a friend ;) cool stuff that Ragdoll :D Cheers
  5. thanks for the info.. hope it will come out soon :)
  6. Ragdoll In 2.1

    sure do :D now blasting enemies will be hack of fun too bad they changed the number of nades in maps like Bridge and IC
  7. Soldner Released In Europe

    same here... the graphics is horrible !!
  8. June Calendars Are Up!

    very beautiful pics man GJ MJ
  9. 2.1 Released ... Yay :)))

    http://www.3dgamers.com/dl/games/americasa...0to210.exe.html choose location and download :D link taken from Gamer.co.il B)
  10. Turning 44 On Sunday

    Congrats, Happy B-Day :D i'm 18+ and feel like a 44 years old if it makes you feel better
  11. thank u man... keep up the great work on the forum ;)
  12. http://download.go-legion.com/lomac/downlo...s/MaXiMuM_G.avi B)
  13. Loungin' With The Kittens.

    OMG !!! hehe they look very cute :D
  14. New Flight Sim!

    thnak u for giving us the info any pics from the sim? models,terrain etc..
  15. SÕldner Goes Gold

    already heared about it the graphics from the bets is uuuuugllly let hope it will be improved p.s. there is a soldner forum here ;)
  16. I'm Activated

    keep safe man report in when ever it's possible and good luck ;)
  17. thanks for the info dog
  18. thanks for the link man :D
  19. Hi

    welcome to Biohaz great forum and people enjoy your stay here ;)
  20. Idf "training Day"

    http://www.orev.co.il/show_item.asp?itemId...0739&itemType=0 this film is from the "sayeret orev" collection the rest of the collection of vids press on one of the links below this picture http://www.orev.co.il/show_item.asp?itemid...2600&itemtype=0 i might suggest u to take a look over the links in this site http://www.isayeret.com/ eNjoy <S>
  21. Idf "training Day"

    you welcome... the IDF is one of the best in urban fighting force in the world, we taught the american things like placing a sniper in the begining of the st. and cover the troops going down the st. from enemy snipers and stuff like that you have a lot of info about the weapons we use, units and more in the last site i gave in the main thread...
  22. yes it is... i have ADSL 1.5, yestrday all ther servers were full took me half an hour + to dl it
  23. Graduating

    i'll try my best... ;) i'll also try to get pictures from other people try to look over the net for site, there are probably some with IDF photos including training

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