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Everything posted by Nesher

  1. Need The List Of All The Squadron

    thanks snapple :D
  2. no game is bug free or almost bug free.... bugs are common as games :D
  3. 2.1 May Not Be Released

    someone posted it in Gamer.co.il he took it from the tracker site
  4. 2.1 May Not Be Released

    E3 is soon coming ... maybe instead of 2.1 they will release 2.2 ?(after they finish with when they finish..)
  5. Ubisoft doesn't create the games Ubisoft - publishers of games so if you have something against the gane you should blame the dev team :\
  6. Nice Movie (how Low Can You Go?)

    yeah it's a very cool vid.... i saw it a long time ago but thanks anyway Duchy ;)
  7. Nice Movie (how Low Can You Go?)

    thanks.... downloading :D
  8. Brothers In Arms Announced

    reminds me of CoD :) looks gooood
  9. Ubisoft And Aa

    is it good for PC owners too? :\
  10. Can't Get Into Servers

    i know Fates has the same problem so if you know something that can help... post here i reach the "level" of SendChallenge(0) . . . . SendChallenge(100) etc... that sucks my PC: AMD Athlon XP 2500+ Barton Gigabyte GA-7N400 L1 Pro 1GB DDRAM 400Mhz GeForce 4 64MB MX420 MAG 19 966FS ADSl 1.5Mbps i use Norton Firewall and i opened up the ports for the exe file that launch the game and the other file that connecting the internet (jwdcom.exe or something like that) nothing seem to help <_<
  11. Can't Get Into Servers

    the HUD is not he major problem.... the way the player looks - yaki !! in Global Ops (if you had the chance to play this game) you had the option to customize the HUD... but the default was good enough for me :D anyway ,again thanks a lot for the help and the info ;)
  12. New Maps Leaked?

    saw the last 2 pics already, not sure about the first :\ thanks for the info
  13. Can't Get Into Servers

    check the game.... didn't like it from the 2 mintues i entered the server :( as you can see... the graphics ain't that good same goes for the game interface my lovely FN P90 looks uglyyyyyyyy there is much to improve !! O_o
  14. Can't Get Into Servers

    thanks for the info Fates ;) keep the news coming... although the demo is for now ain't that good i'm sure it will be a good game when it will come out Cheers :D p.s. "After connect is done (no real visual confirmation) you might need to press Esc to access the spawn menu. If you press Esc too early, you will interrupt the connection process though, so give it a minute!" check this one out LOL that would be a little hard do hehe
  15. Soldner Beta Demo

    same here... couldn't get in to any server yet...
  16. Hey Beer...how goes the video?

    ROFLOL funny vid :D
  17. What Have You Done For A Living?

    i only helped my father with his work :\
  18. The Helo That Took Out Yasin

    2 thing first , Israel don't have this kind of scheme for the AH-64A Apache it will probably be painted like that with the AH-64D Apache Longbow that we are aboute to recieve in 2005 second, the helo that fired the missiles was a Cobra p.s. don't turn it to a political discussion we (refering to Isarel) did what we did and no one can change the past
  19. listen man, what is the song you put in the background of the vid? few people in Israel loved your vid and really enjoyed it :D
  20. absolutly great video !! keep it up ;)
  21. The Helo That Took Out Yasin

    yes he was...
  22. Happy Birthday Snapple2993

    ohhh right.... in the U.S the drinking age is 21... in Israel its 18 :D Cheers B)
  23. Happy Birthday Snapple2993

    happy B-Day ;)
  24. Today Is My B-day

    since no one knows me that well and i didn't tell anyone than i think you should all know it my birthday :D
  25. Today Is My B-day

    thanks again... and yes the military service is mandatory in Israel but i'm continue studying in the 13th grade (junior college) and i'll not serve in a combat unit i will probably serve in the profession i learn (computer programming) but thanks for your concern :D (i will still be careful ;) ) <Salute>

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