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      26 September - Maintenance Notification   09/21/2024

      CombatACE.com will be offline this upcoming Thursday morning, September 26, 2024. The duration of this event will be 4-5 hours. Our website will be unavailable and return an error during that time. Maintenance of our equipment is unavoidable, and this downtime will allow the opportunity to replace worn and damaged fans, power supply units, and thermal paste throughout all our equipment. Thank you for reading our maintenance advisory.


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Everything posted by Nesher

  1. Today Is My B-day

    thanks everyone, nice to see ya MJ you too Todd and Zag ;) life is ok so far... it can be better but i'm sure that everybody sometimes feel that way btw, i'm 18 i see i forgot to mention it hehe
  2. Janes F-18..help!!!

    do you have any other Jane's Sims installed on your HD? check if the CD is scratched !!
  3. i found it earlier but my internet had problems thanks anyway ;)
  4. What Every Gangsta Rapper Needs

    show it :) its free
  5. What Every Gangsta Rapper Needs

    seawolf, WTF? LOL
  6. Oh Man!

    niceeeee.... :D looking forword for those pics ;)
  7. Whats On Your Hard Drive?and Your Favorite Site?

    my "short" list :D America's Army Call of Duty Global Operations Battlefield 1942 Pacific War Search and Rescue 4 Flight Simulator 9 Armored Fist 3 Delta Force Black Hawk Down F-22 Lightning 3 Soldier of Fortune II - Double Helix Steam CS 1.6 (doesn't work for anymore.... :\ ) Strike Fighters P1 Lock On Modern Air Combat IL-2 Sturmovik Forgotten Battles USAF Vietcong Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory i have lots of games on CD's that i didn't install or already finished with.... ;) about the site i like... Gamer.co.il BiohazCentral.com and many more.... but the list is long so... :)
  8. 3 Million Users!

    HooHa :D but there are people with 2 or more users
  9. it improved the FPS in the A-10 mission before the twick i had 1-0 FPS after i had 20+ FPS and in general it improved the FPS in other mission ;)
  10. Navy Seals Mod

    WoW :o amazing stuff !! like the MP5's and the M-4/CAR-15 :D
  11. Call Of Duty Beta 1.3 Patch

    thanks for the help keep up with the great work B)
  12. Punkbusted

    very good job for the punkbuster team i don't like cheaters :D only in a cheat server ;)
  13. it helps a lot !! for me anyway... and probably for other people with wick graphic card
  14. Call Of Duty Beta 1.3 Patch

    do i need other previous patches to install this one?
  15. http://www.preflight.hostrick.net/ you are more than welcomed to see for yourselvs the design, the pictures and other stuff on the site :D the site is "hosted" by 106thE~IRON_CATS Squadron flying in IAF and from time to time Falcon 4 part of the squad fly in FB as the "FAT" squadron (shamen etc...) aerobatic squadron - pics of curse on the the website <Salute> ;)
  16. New Israeli Site Aired Not Long Ago

    you welcome :D
  17. Superpak4 Is Out!!!

    yes yes.... i'm the man with the link eNjoy http://mpgnetz.de/564dfhd564345/564675764/...4_Installer.zip
  18. Win Xp

    no... you can install games on the second HD but i think the first way is better
  19. Aao 2.0a Review/article

    too bad :( but thanks for the letting me know...
  20. Aao 2.0a Review/article

    as a beta tester can you from time to time post images of newer versions right here if you can
  21. Joint Operations..new Sim Soon.

    thanks for the head up :D looks very good ;)
  22. C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c start "runhigh" /high "{full route of the LockOn.exe file}\LockOn.exe other than that don't change anything hope it helped, Cheers B)
  23. i didn't use any of the mods made for the terrain but i think it would be nice ;) great idea man :D

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