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Everything posted by Nesher

  1. tnx for the keylist :D that's good.... sorry ckount, yours doesn't work
  2. No, thats why I'm stupid enough to say stupid things I don't read things all the way threw....
  3. Ericson Sky Crane

    nice heli :D great pics ;)
  4. My New Usaf Site

    nice site :) keep up with updates about it ;)
  5. Navair Screenshots

    great shots ;)
  6. I Just Ripped Of Desert Combat

    looks great :D
  7. Thunderbirds' 50th Anniversary @ Nellis Afb

    too bad I live in Israel have a good time and bring some pics :P
  8. More Yummy Night Pics

    wow , amazing !!! :D
  9. Virtual Us Navy Site

    already saw it.... someone in the USAF forum (at SimHQ.com) is a part of this V navy i was a part of VIAF (Virtual Israely Air Force) but it wend down
  10. Navy Jets Flying With Half Wings

    buddy, there is a difference between all the incidents and the time they happended.... the F-15C and the A-4 was in the late 70's... and its was the first time in a SuperSonic Jet the Hornet Landed with 5 feet short of a wing, not short of all of it and that can prove one thing,and one thing only!! Isareli Pilots are High :P
  11. Happy Birthday

    Mazal Tov :D
  12. Navy Jets Flying With Half Wings

    something similar happened to an Israeli F-15C and A-4 the A-4 crue ejected but the F-15C pilot didn't notice that he has no wing at all he landed safely in his base and the pilot was amazed when he saw he landed with no wing he did notice that it's hard to control the plane (he wasn't stupid ) here some pics of the F-15 after he landed :o amazing !!
  13. The Israeli Pov

    just see the Israeli side although I personaly know that most Americans support us..... http://www.terror-victims.israel.net/
  14. The Israeli Pov

    Dutchy 1. I know that the poll isn't yours.... but I still think its stupid and as I said before, it has no meaning if the people that voted in it weren't here... 2. I hope that the next time your colleague will come to Israel (and all the people that visited our small country) he won't need to remember places that got bombed 3. thank him too Salute Nesher
  15. FS Host given in www.Gamer.co.il / Sim Section ;)
  16. The Israeli Pov

    snapple2993 first time I read this kinda text (a very long one) some of it i really understood 1. when you compare the IDF to an orginised Terrorist group you are wrong ! and in a few month I'll join IDF as well as other 18-19 years old in my country 2. Yes we are democratic country ! and Yes we have Arabs in our Parlament and funny as that, they are against the country that they work for, they Support killing Israeli people 3. like america gives money to other countries, they should give us too... we actually need it like most countries in the world 4. we don't defened ourselfs behind women and children like they do so when they die, yes we are sorry, but it's not out fault !! 5. some of the houses that get bulldozed are being used to shoot at our Soldiers 6. "I shead the same amount of tears for Palestinians as I do Isreali's..... I might actually shead one, if you sicko's grow up and act civil. This issue should've been settled long ago, but neither side can get passed their zealotous points of view." sorry, but it doesn't sounds like it... Dutchy 1. somewhere in the site are the names and dates of the people murdered in Terrorist acts 2. and about that stupid poll, when they will come live here than let them say whatever they want, I live here and I know I'm safer than most people in the world people die all over the world, the only difference that some die becuase they are Israelis/Jewish and that happens in other places in the world not only in Israel!! just remember 1 thing, I don't care if this thread will be locked I didn't switch it to a political discuttion I was only asked to show this site to other people beside Israelis we all want that everyone will see our side too
  17. The Israeli Pov

    any comments? someone saw it?
  18. On My Way To Get New Computer!!!

    Mazal Tov ! I got my new PC a month ago :D
  19. AAO 2.0

    AAO 2.0 is now AA:SF :) lets hope it will be good as it seemed to be :D
  20. N00bs, They Are The Best !!!

    they kinda old now.... search the site and see if its still there :) http://www.aaoverview.com
  21. Waaa!!!

    nice shots tnx ;) sorry, can't help ya with the fund :\
  22. N00bs, They Are The Best !!!

    glad you enjoyed them <C> :D

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